Rescuing My Fish (2)

Struggling against the wall in a narrow, dim alleyway, Ren attempted to rise slowly. His face remained calm, betraying no signs of discomfort, even as cold sweat trickled down his temples like a downpour. He hadn't even managed to straighten up before he collapsed.

He tumbled to the ground, pushing himself upwards with his arms and leaning against the wall, trying again to stand. This time, his hands and legs shook uncontrollably, and he fell once more, completely drained of strength before he could even get halfway up.

Kestrel reached out to assist him, her hand pulling away stained with his warm blood. Ren closed his eyes, lying still for a moment without opening them. "Just give me a moment," he muttered, "I'll be okay soon."

His voice held a note of sadness. He understood better than Kestrel that he might not be able to rise again. His body was wracked with intense pain, feeling as if every bone had shattered; the torment was too overwhelming to be ignored by simple willpower.