
Ren was running at an incredible pace, but Kestrel could still sense something catching up to them. These things were rising from beneath the earth, hidden in the shadows and depths, steadily pursuing them. All they could see were black smoke billowing up in the distance along the streets and alleys.

Kestrel knew what they were. Although she had only encountered them once, their grotesque style was etched in her memory - those twisted, abominable black arms always trying to seize her in that white building.

Ren ran all the way to the seaside, and at the coast, he abruptly set Kestrel down.

"Don't turn around yet," he told her.

Kestrel was confused until she heard the sound of water splashing. Turning around, she discovered Ren was gone, leaving only his torn black combat suit on the sandy beach.

An orca broke the water's surface, revealing its head.

This was a fully-grown male orca, characterized by its colossal size, broad back, and a tall, upright dorsal fin.