The Origin

"She's a beta."

"A new beta."

"After all these years, a beta has come at last." Inside a bright red nest, soft sounds could be heard, and red veins pulsed with a desire that couldn't be understood.

There was a deep cave, and Kestrel, looking down from above, noticed a massive egg resting quietly at the bottom. The egg's surface was covered with scarlet veins that beat like a heart, making a soft, dull noise. It seemed to be holding some gigantic, mysterious creature inside, still waiting to be born.

Nearby stood the Erdtree, still and calm among the moving veins. Its golden roots mixed with the dirty red veins, each affecting the other. The veins pulsed, and the dark red blood kept spreading over the golden tree.

The golden roots grew outward. As they did, the pain, sadness, and craziness that Kestrel had seen took on twisted shapes, brought back by the shiny golden roots to feed the scarlet egg over and over.