The Polluted Zone Collapsing

Just outside the Polluted Zone of the Erdtree, a bright red warning sign was planted in an open stretch of land. A crowd had gathered at a safe distance, choosing to stay clear of the zone. Some were awaiting the return of friends who had ventured into the hazardous area, while others were there just to observe the unfolding events.

An unusually large group had entered the Polluted Zone this time around. The question on everyone's lips was if they could unlock the portal of this zone—a feat that hadn't been achieved in centuries.

"It's been days. No one's come out yet. With this many people in there, they can't all be dead, can they?" one person asked aloud.

"What's the point of having so many people? Over hundreds of years, how many who've gone into the Erdtree's Polluted Zone have come back?" another shot back.

"They're all daredevils, willing to risk their lives for cash. It just goes to show the old saying - 'animals die for food; and people, money'."