Kestrel's Mother (2)

Kestrel wasn't sure she wanted her own alpha, but she was happy. The Queen was okay with her going to and from the Polluted Zone and even supported her. With the Queen's approval, it'd be way easier for her to visit there again.

"I've been wondering, which Polluted Zone are you thinking of going to next?" the Queen asked Kestrel before they said goodbye.

"I'm not sure yet," Kestrel answered. Right then, she felt like someone was watching her super closely. It felt like someone was trying to see inside her mind to check if she was lying or not.

She couldn't act nervous, or whoever was watching would notice. Fortunately, she didn't have anything to hide; she really hadn't decided where to go next. She felt honest and brave.

"You're still thinking about it?" The Queen asked, touching her forehead gently. "Here's an idea: Why not try Polluted Zone 338? It's an old one and has many mysteries to discover."