Competing for Kestrel

Ren swiftly took down his first opponent in a single move. The moment he stepped into the bustling arena, he confidently knocked his rival onto the ground. The defeated alpha remained motionless, needing help to be taken out.

The chatter in the packed arena stopped for a brief moment, replaced by a heavy silence.

Ren was a recent addition to the Royal Guard, and he'd mostly been assigned outside tasks. So, many were unfamiliar with him.

"Who's that guy?" someone whispered.

"Did you see that? One move, and he's down!" another person exclaimed.

"That's Ren Sloan," a third voice piped up. "Recruited directly by the boss and the deputy leader."

"Oh, right! He led the squad into the Erdtree's Polluted Zone recently," someone recalled.

"Why did he go all out? Was he holding onto some kind of grudge?" another wondered aloud.