[Bonus chapter] Meeting Her Majesty Again (2)

He was probably the only person in this world who truly recognized the Verity Vault for what it was. Whether on golden sands or within the Eyehole's murals, he had seen this seemingly ordinary box before.

Furthermore, he was aware that this very box was now under Kestrel's guardianship.

Towards the end of her notes, Lainey's handwriting began to look more hurried and less organized.

On the concluding page, she had jotted down:

"I have an unsettling feeling. I think we're being watched."

"I'm drawn to the beginning, to explore the depths of Polluted Zone Five."

"Must locate the submerged ship named Mary."

"If my suspicions are right, I need to secure the Verity Vault."

"But where can I hide it where it'll be truly safe..."

What followed these words was a mess. It seemed as if a young kid had taken a crayon and scribbled all over, obscuring Lainey's final thoughts.