One of A Kind (1)

The first time Kestrel laid eyes on the Queen, she had been struck by her elegance, gentleness, and sheer beauty that seemed to radiate from her. Just being in her presence created this irresistible pull, a feeling that she should be closer to her.

Now, the Queen was positioned gracefully by the window, her crown resting on her head and draped in a flowing white gown. Behind her, a breathtaking view of the Empire's main city stretched out. Her beauty was still undeniable, but it gave Kestrel an uneasy feeling.

It was as if she was staring at a massive, intimidating creature. Suddenly, Kestrel felt her body tense up, a tingling sensation running down her back and her hands beginning to perspire.

Before, she felt like a naive young animal, oblivious to the powerful force she was confronting, blissfully fearless. But now, as if she'd matured without even realizing it, she could truly sense the overwhelming and somewhat scary presence that stood before her.