The Queen And The Sword (1)

Kestrel paused briefly, allowing her psychic ability to gently flow into Brandon's psychic landscape.

Inside Brandon's psychic landscape, everything looked shattered. The ground beneath was crumbling, hardly offering any solid ground to stand on. The sky overhead was a mix of strange and unexpected sights.

Massive gaps resembling open mouths seemed to chatter nonstop. The stomachs of bugs throbbed as they produced eggs; delicate wings of butterflies were gradually torn away by unexpected hands, and fearful eyes peeked from behind slightly open doors... The view was a wild mix of confusing images; everything was mixed up and out of place.

In this place, Brandon's memories were all jumbled. Those memories about rebellions, secret plans, and attempts to take down the Tower appeared to be covered by a mysterious blue wing. They were smudged together, turning into one unclear blob, hidden from sight. Only scattered, hard-to-understand pictures were left.