The Queen And The Sword (2)

Kestrel grappled with her emotions. She had witnessed pieces of his past, understood the traumas he faced, and the depths of his despair. The weight of his pain made her think that maybe finding peace in death was kinder for him.

But then she considered the lake around her. This verdant haven, alive with the dance of fireflies and butterflies, was lovingly etched in his memories. It was a testament to the cherished moments he had shared with his twin in their younger days. This place made it evident that Brandon still had ties to the world, bonds that he was not ready to sever.

Kneeling by the moist edge of the lake, Kestrel stretched out her hand towards the sinking Brandon, urging him, "Come on, rise up. Let me help you out."

Then, a delicate blue butterfly gently alighted on her shoulder. Alongside Kestrel's hand, a ghostly male arm reached out, both beckoning.

"Return to us, Brandon."

"Please, come back, big brother."