Chapter 53 – Daily Life of the Infinity Dragon
**Notification! Mission Completed [2/2]
Well done to Railgun and Witch of Betrayal!
Mission World Name: [Made in Abyss]
Main Objective Completion Grade: B
Hidden Objective Grade: A
Main Objective Rewards: [2500 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [Future Sight (Epic)] x 1, [Title: Abyss Delvers (Epic) ] x 1, [Chat Experience + 750 (Common) ]
Current Experience Bar: 3600 / 15000
Hidden Objective Rewards Will Be Distributed Separately
Individual Witch of Betrayal:
Hidden Objective Grade: A
Hidden Objectives Achieved:
-Kill Irumyuui
-Abide by Ciel's words
Participation Grade: A
Extra Rewards: [5000 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [All Parameter Rank Increase (Mythical) ] x 1
Thank You For Your Efforts!
Individual Railgun:
Hidden Objectives Grade: A
Hidden Objectives Achieved:
-Kill an orb piercer
-Abide by Vueko's wishes
-Grow up mentally and physically
Participation Grade: A
Extra Rewards: [5000 Points (Rare) ] x 1, [Mental Problem Immunity (Legendary+) ] x 1
Thank You For Your Efforts!
(All Parameter Rank Increase? Isn't that too op?)
Admin: So how was it?
Witch of Betrayal: Rather... rewarding
Admin: That's good to hear. Misaka, what about you?
Railgun: I mean... I also got a lot from it. It also gave me complete mental problem immunity, so I guess that solves my problems in a way.
Admin: Really? Cool
Railgun: Yeah... why do I feel like I was chosen to that world on purpose?
Admin: I mean, you did choose yourself
Railgun: Yeah but the reward seems oddly specific. Oh well...
"You have fun?"
"Yeah. Really awakened the adventurer inside me."
"Good to know."
Rimuru and Ciel had a short dialogue between them, then they just returned to whatever they were doing beforehand, which was sleeping and cuddling on the bed.
But now since time has resumed, the daily grind began again, so they both got out of bed and went downstairs.
A week passed without too much happening, and on an early morning, a familiar visitor arrived.
"Welc- oh. Hi Ophis."
"So, you want anything or are you just here to chill."
"I want to move in."
"Uh, move in?"
"Uh, you talked it out with your people that you lead? Did they let you?"
"They tried... to talk to me about it... but I just blanked them."
"A very powerful move indeed."
"They allowed me... but I still have... to be their leader... so I can't work here... and have to go to them everyday... but I'll come back... and have fun."
"That's perfectly fine. You are more than welcome to stay here. I'll give you the 22nd floor. You can decorate it however you want and when the others come down, you can introduce yourself to them. Oh yeah, you can also let Kuro live in your room."
She then proceeded to go up the elevator with an expressionless face and arrived at the 22nd floor.
Looking around, she found it was indeed very empty. So with a wave of her hand, a bed appeared. It was just a normal, king-sized bed that's way too big for her. It was also pure black. Everything about it was pure black. If one shone the sun onto it, it would still not change.
One can't even identify where the pillows are since it just blends in to the bed, but it seemed like Ophis was proud of her handiwork and laid down in the centre.
After she came back down, everyone was already there, but Rimuru spoke up first.
"You sure that's all you need. There is still 99 percent of the room left to fill."
"I'm sure..."
"If that's what you say. Oh, and by the way, you've seen her before but she is going to start living here now. Her name is Ophis, Ophis, this is Artoria and Medea. Artoria has two personalities and they naturally switch every week so if you sense something change, don't worry about it."
"She won't be working here as she has the role of a leader for another organisation, but that is only sporadic and she will spend the rest of the time here, right?"
"Good. Make sure you get along well kay?"
And then because of swindling another girl into living there, Rimuru got a beating afterwards.
Ophis didn't need to sleep, but she still did anyway.
Her bed was very comfortable. She wished for a black bed and the room just gave her one. Then, adding a bit of her power into it and the bed was the perfect place for her, and the snake she made.
Truth be told, she kinda forgot about the snake but having some company wasn't too bad.
Her morning started at 6, when she woke up and went downstairs, to find only Ciel awake.
She walked to the kitchen, curious about what Ciel was doing.
"Oh, hi Ophis."
"Hi. What?"
"Oh this? I am trying out a newly made recipe I created. I call it the slime condensate stew."
"Slime... condensate... stew?"
"Yup. I got the ingredients from Rimuru" Without him knowing...
"Oh. Slime?"
"Yup. He is a slime, but is currently shaped like a human."
She then watched her carry on cooking. Half an hour later and a heavenly looking dish formed itself before her very eyes.
Very rarely does her eyes sparkle and show interest in something so insignificant to her, but this was an exception.
Ciel nodded to herself in approval and gave it to Ophis, whom upon receiving the dish engulfed the entire dish, including the plate.
It was fine for Ciel anyway since she was just doing it for fun.
However, on Ophis's side something very surprising happened. As a being of infinity, naturally her power was infinite as well, but after eating the dish for some reason her strength was increased.
"My power...?"
"Oh, you mean the increase in strength? That is a side effect of using *cough special ingredients for the dish. Basically it doubles your strength, no matter what you had in the first place."
"But... infinite?"
"Yeah. Think of it like one and two. You have one times infinite which is very strong, but two times infinite will always be two times bigger than one times infinite. So in theory your strength has actually doubled."
"Actually doubled? Great Red..."
"If you are talking about the dragon in the dimensional gap then yes, you may be strong enough to defeat it now. Feel free to do it if you want."
"I'll stay here."
Ciel gave a sweet smile, "of course."
After bidding farewell to Ciel she then went to the headquarters of the hero faction.
This was technically her work so she had to work.
Many people went up to her and questioned her about her whereabouts since she wasn't where they expected her to be, but she just ignored then completely and sat on the chair and became motionless again.
And approximately an hour later, a familiar person entered the room.
"Hey Ophis, how you doing?"
It was Cao Cao, one of the only people who visited her regularly and kept her entertained and updated with everything.
"Where did you go yesterday? I know you asked to leave but you didn't say where."
Ophis actually thought about how to answer, "food."
"Ahh, of course." Hearing the answer Cao Cao wasn't that surprised, since he knew nothing could really excite Ophis too much. Food was one of the things that could cause some visible reaction from her.
He didn't pursue the topic too much and continued to tell her about all things supernatural that happened and left an hour after.
Ophis watched him disappear and sank into her own thoughts again.
At 5pm, she left like any other day.
Not many people asked her for snakes today, but she didn't care.
Anyway, even though her current job was done she still wasn't finished with her day.
Teleporting herself half way across the world, she followed some signal she sensed, but as she arrived she actually couldn't find it. The familiar wavelength then echoed at the other side of the world from where she was, so once again she went there but still found nothing.
The feeling became stronger and stronger, and she pin-pointed the exact location of where it was from.
Arriving in the underworld, she became face to face with a massive inferno-like creature with gold for eyes.
"HAHA! It worked!"
Before she reacted, a black blob engulfed her, and on the inside she could feel her strength begin to disappear.
She was going to make snakes and make a back up of her power, but then she realised that the suction wasn't actually touching her own power, but the strength that was copied onto her from the dish earlier.
It was like the power formed a protective barrier around her actually source of power, so she was safe.
She stayed in this state for a while before the blob dissipated.
She saw multiple teenagers fighting people she knew.
"Cao Cao?"
"Hi Ophis. How was that? Very enjoyable right?" He laughed but soon regretted it as he got punched by an enraged person in red armour.
"Samael?" She then recognised the giant leaning over her, but still chained down to the ground.
This was Samael, the nemesis of all dragons. It has the ability to steal power from dragons it lays it's hands on, even the strongest ones are affected.
She recalled something Rimuru said to her earlier.
("If someone hits you, then hit back harder and deal with the aftermath afterwards." )(A/N Don't actually do this irl)
Very wise words indeed. The quote appeared in her mind and inspired her.
With resolute confidence she raised her hands. This pure motion immediately stopped all fighting around her. Even the battle maniacs there stopped and watched her with surprise and shock in their eyes. All action ceased, all eyes were on her and all silence descended.
Ophis pointed one finger at Samael who continued to stare at her. She focused her sight even further beyond and saw the death god Hades who instigated Samael's behaviour, and locked onto both targets.
A pinkish red ball of energy formed on the tip of her finger.
Without any signal or warning, the ball expanded and a brilliant flash spanning hundreds of meters wide bulldozed throughout the area, causing absolute destruction.
However Ophis was someone who could control their power, as she did have millions of years to practice it, so controlling the blast to not affect the innocent was guaranteed.
5 seconds later the energy beam calmed down and under the shocked eyes of everyone, literally nothing of Samael and Hades existed, and neither did the institute that held them previously.
Bundles of unconscious people were floating in the air, on a barely visible pink floor made of condensed energy.
"That's... impossible. Shouldn't you have been stripped of your strength?" Cao Cao asked incredulously.
"Only half of two... so I still have... one infinity left."
"Half? One infinity?"
"Cao Cao... you tried to kill me?"
"Uh... wel-" And he died where he stood. And so did the others who were on his side, leaving a befuddled crowd of teenagers who were fighting for their lives just a few moments ago.
Taking note of Rimuru's second half of the quote, she left, leaving the aftermath to the people present.
The person in red armour disbanded the gear and just looked at the crater that spanned hundreds of miles, and each crack radiated energy that is so intense that even he could feel the danger from there.
He was struggling with all his might against Cao Cao, but Ophis just came along and destroyed all the enemies without breaking a sweat.
(I understand your feelings partner. Ophis is the embodiment of infinity, so it is understandable that such power exists.)
"But... will I ever reach that level?"
(I don't know, but you need to work harder to survive in this world.)
"Your back?"
"How was your day?"
"Good... I killed my workers."
"Oh umm... no worries, you can live here now."
"Mm." She gave a light smile to Rimuru and sat down. Medea expertly gave her some cake and Ophis began to eat it with a spoon. Although, it was devoured rather quickly so after a few rounds of back and forth, Rimuru face palmed and eyed Artoria, who was dumping food into her mouth.
What he was eyeing was actually the bowl that was in her hands. Artoria, with her years of experience, felt Rimuru's gaze on her precious artifact and hissed whilst hugging it close. It was quite comical since her mouth was full of food and her cheek was expanded outwards.
Laughing to himself, Rimuru formed another infinite bowl and gave it to Ophis, who was very thankful.
After explaining how it worked she immediately tried it out, and for the next hour it was just two people, one human and one dragon, eating like it's nobody's business.
Later on, they formed an indescribable bond together.