Chapter 1

It's a bright and lovely day, but only in the demon world, in the angels world there is a huge chaos occurred and because of which a lot of low ranked angels eloped and took shelter in human world, amongst this chaos there was an angel who always got bullied by the nobels from the world of angels, he was thrown into the demon world by some of those high ranked angels.

When he woke up, he saw that he was all alone, but he was happy about it, because here there was no one who was going to bully him. While in the search of food, he found a hut near a beautiful pond. There is every thing for his need and there is a lot of weird stuff too, such as floral hair clips and dresses for men, etc. He sighs and looks for some plain dresses in the house. He dosen't find any and finally he says to himself "well it is a good thing that no one lives here, I can live here".

Three days pass by without any disturbance he lived there peacefully "it is good that this is a real abandoned place, but who can abandon such a beautiful place like this", he was thinking on living there happily, but in demon world the news had already spread that an angel was thrown from the angels world and is now hiding here. The demon king was not even bothered by it because it is only a low ranked angel, he can't harm anyone, but everyone in demon world were not ok with it. After some time, the minister asks the king to send the crown prince Mio to go find the angel and kill him, so he can gain more trust from the other demons and demon elders. The king agrees to it and send someone to give this message to Mio, but Mio eavesdropped and listen everything. Before anyone comes to him, he escapes from there and goes to his secret hidden place.

When he reached there, he saw a man sitting near the pond, he had a very fair complexion and his body looks strong too, he was glowing and charming. Mio kept staring at him with wide eyes. He got lost for so long that he forgot that he is here to hide himself from killing that angel, he went there and tried to ask him something. He was so shy that his voice was not coming out of his mouth, but he pulled himself together and tried to say "w... who are you, a... and what are you doing at my place?".

Mio said it with a very gentle voice that the angel didn't hear him, Mio patted his shoulder and repeated it again, this time the angel heard him. He said, his name is Liang, and he is a low-ranked angel, he told everything to him and requested him to let him live here until he can find a way to go back? Mio is a soft-hearted person, he agreed to him, but he didn't reveal his real identity to him and state his purpose of being there.

A week had already passed, Mio and Liang were living with each other, Mio noticed that Liang is taller than him and more big in size than him, not only his upper body, but he is big down 'there' too. Mio always got shy whenever he saw his naked body while bathing together, but he was disappointed that Liang dosen't like him in that way.

Days just passed by, Mio told him that he is going to the town so that he can bring more stuff, but, the truth is he is going back to the palace so that no one doubts him and find out about his hiding spot. Mio wants to spent more time with him, he doesn't want to leave Liang here alone, but he had no choice. Liang agreed to it and stayed there waiting for him. In Liang's eyes Mio is a nice and decent person, he didn't even suspect him.

Mio miss Liang very much that he wants to go there straight and embrace him in his both arms, but he knows that he can't do that right now or his father gonna get suspicious of him. He stayed in palace for a month and when he found a chance he escaped from there with a lot of stuff and put a note written behind that 'he will come back in a few weeks so that no one would go looking for him.

When he went back he saw Liang is sleeping outside the house. He sat beside him and was gwaking at him with a gaze full of love, like he was not away from him for a month but a year, he missed him so much that he wanted to kiss him. When he slowly put his lips on him Liang opened his eyes, Mio jumped back and when Liang opened his eyes, he saw that Mio's face is totally red he thinks that he caught a fever and put his head together with Mio's head to check the temperature, but Mio jumped out because he got surprised and embarrassed, for what he was gonna do to Liang a moment ago. Liang asked "did you catch a fever outside?". Mio calmed himself down and said "no... it... it is because that I bought a lot of stuff from the town, and 'am out of breath", Liang said with concern in his voice "you don't have to buy all this stuff, you were gone for a month, so I felt like something had happened to you". Mio feels happy that Liang is concerned about him, but he can't say he is a noble and lived in a palace or say that he is assigned to kill him by his father. When Mio is still thinking, a sudden roar brings him out of his thought, Mio was so shocked that he jumped on Liang and hugged him tightly. Liang consoled him and said "you don't have to be afraid, I found a little monster to guard this place, don't worry he is tamed", Mio was relieved, and he realized where he is sitting. When he saw he is sitting on his lap his face flushed and his heart started beating faster he suddenly started blabbering "I... I... I didn't mean to jump on you like that, this ... this is ....", Liang said "it's ok" and put Mio down. They were living happily, Liang starts to notice that Mio is acting quiet strange lately, before he thought anything anymore, he heard Mio screaming "Aaaahhhh.....!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me....!!!!!!".

When he rushed there and saw why Mio is screaming he started laughing loudly, because there is a mosquito bite on his cheek, and he is crying for how his beautiful face got a red spot. Liang stopped laughing and said "pfft... don't cry Mio, the mosquito is in love with you that's why he kissed on your cheeks", Mio puffed his teary face and mumbled "the one I want to kiss me is not doing anything why did the mosquito had to kiss me.....". Liang didn't hear anything what Mio said, but he noticed that Mio's puffed face looked so cute that he wanted to pinch them. He was staring him completing forgetting about the fact that he has work to do.

Mio noticed that Liang is staring at him, he flushed and asked him" why... are you staring at me", Liang came back to his sense and suddenly blabbered "I... I… Didn't think anything about you, I d…didn't even think that you are cute...sorry...". Mio suddenly felt a weird kind of happiness inside him and said "you think I am cute... really~ ?...". Liang flushed and changed the topic" I... I... have some work to do, I am going now...", he ran away from there, Mio felt like butterflies are dancing around him, and he suddenly started dancing like he is dancing with them, from left to right & right to left, he started dancing in joy and kept saying "he called me cute~, he thinks I am cute~..., today is really a lucky day for me~...!!!!". Liang came back and saw Mio's dancing, but he didn't hear anything, he stands there and watches the dance and when Mio stop dancing Liang give him an applause and asks "why did you stop dancing... you are a great dancer...", Mio flushed and said, "w...why did you come back? You didn't hear anything did you.... ???". Mio was hoping that Liang didn't hear anything, but Liang said "I heard everything...", Mio was shocked and asks "w...w…what did you hear...???". Mio got scared and thought ''what if Liang feel disgust after hearing everything, what if he said that he dosen't want to live with me anymore....??? '', while Mio is thinking, Liang suddenly snaps his finger on his face and says '' I am just joking, I didn't hear anything, but... are you hiding something from me that I don't know about it...???", Mio said "n… no I didn't hide anything from you", before Liang says anything Mio said "I... I am a bad singer that's why 'I am asking you... you didn't hear anything...", Liang said "no, I really didn't hear anything, I came back because I forgot something", he took his stuff and left.

Mio couldn't believe what happened just a moment ago, he pinches his face and when he felt the pain he came back to his sense and sighs, he felt like in a moment his heart is going to jump out from his mouth, he is that scared and thinking "what if he knows who I am or what if he found out that I like him and lied to him all this time... will he go mad at me or leave me.... what if he says he doesn't want to see me again, what am I gonna do then....????", Mio's mind is so full of these thoughts that he forgets he has to go back to the palace next week. He wanted to stay with Liang, but he fears because his father is looking for Liang to kill him and if Mio's father found out that he likes Liang and is hiding him from his father, nothing is going to be good. So, he decided that he would go back to the palace and try his best to save Liang.

After a week he goes back to the palace and tried to change the emperor's mind, so he can cancel the order to kill Liang, but, emperor refuse and said that "Mio you are the future emperor of our demon world, so, I am giving you the order to kill that angel and make your name among everyone. Mio's hand started trembling after hearing what his father said to him, with this fear in him, he started mumbling "w...what should I do now, I can't kill him, b... but father assigned me to kill him if I don't do it he is going to assign someone else..... what should I do, what should I do???? ", Mio was very terrified and next week he went back to Liang, but when he went there he found that Liang wasn't there. Mio rushed out in the forest to find Liang, but he failed to find him. He came back and heard a voice, Mio rushed to the back of the house and sees that Liang is standing there, he cried out his name with tears in his eyes "l... Liang!!!... ", Liang saw that Mio's eyes were full of tears, he asked "Mio... what happened, why are you crying ?", Mio ran towards Liang and hugged him, he burst out of tears and started crying out loudly. Liang heart aches and he askes "what happened why are you crying... tell me ", Mio had no words to say at that moment, he just wanted to be with Liang and didn't want to let him go. After some time when Mio calmed himself, he told Liang that the emperor wants to kill him, but he didn't tell him that the person assigned to kill Liang is none other than the person he's living with. he was scared that Liang will leave him if he told him the whole truth, so he didn't tell him about it. But fate never shows mercy to anyone. One day, when Liang went to the market by himself he stopped at a place where people were talking about someone, when he heard that person's name he was taken aback.

Those people were talking about Liang. He get afraid on hearing his name in the town, he didn't even know that how his news spread in the town, then he suddenly remembered that Mio once told him that the demon Prince is assigned by the emperor to kill him. He ran away from there and hid behind the wall near the bulletin board, he's not even capable of moving now. After some time, when it get more crowed he came out and tried to escape, but suddenly he stopped and saw that there is a cart passing by and everyone is bowing down, he didn't want to raise any kind of suspiciousness so he also bowed.

That cart is not an ordinary thing, it is a royal cart of the crown Prince of demon world, but Liang didn't know about it and when the cart passed he raised his head and looked at it, he barely saw the back of the prince and he felt like he saw him somewhere, but he couldn't remember where he saw him before. He suddenly came out of his thoughts and started to run towards the forest, but before he could make it back he got caught by some bandits.

Liang thought to himself "let's wait here and see what they want, I'll give them whatever they want and then again start running towards home", even though Liang already planned how he is gonna escape from here, but what the bandits said was way unexpected than what he thought. They told him that they knows his true identity and if he didn't cooperate with them, they will kill him on the spot, Liang didn't believe him, he laughed and asked them what they know about him, one of the bandits say "you think it's funny, we know that you are the son of the emperor", now Liang really laughed out so loud that bandits got confused, Liang said " from what angle do you think I am THE. CROWN. PRINCE! did someone hit you that badly???? ", the man behind the leader of the gang said "are you taking us for the fool, these are the clothes from the royal palace... do you think you can fool us???". Now Liang was the one who was confused, he thought that "these clothes are Mio's, but why are they claiming it to be some royals or official's clothes???".

He was thinking while one of them started to attack him, before he got stabbed by their weapon he dogged, but suddenly the other one stabbed Liang on his waist. Liang had already lost some of his powers when he fell from the angels world, and now he is too weak that now he couldn't even beat some demons.

Liang is thinking that this is his end when suddenly Mio came to his rescue, even though Mio never killed anyone but when he is mad no one can escape from his anger, he took out his whip and with an annoyed expression, he tells them "this is the demonic whip... only one hit and your soul will be turned to my whip's food". When those people see Mio they think that just going from here now is the best idea, and they can come back some other time, they run away from there. When Mio sees Liang's condition he lifts him into his arms and run towards home. Mio dresses Liang's wound and gives him some medicine, when Liang fall asleep Mio strokes his head gently and started crying, his heart aching and he's continuously blaming him self saying that "if... if I came earlier this would not happen to you, I am the cause of your condition... please forgive me.... please...", Mio ran from there and crying bitterly like if something happens to him, he is not gonna live anymore.

He stops and decides to say everything to Liang, he makes some porridge for Liang and go to his room, but the look on Liang's face makes Mio nervous and worried. Mio askes Liang "what happened, is everything ok?", Liang in reply questions him back "Mio..... tell me... the clothes I am wearing... where did they come from???", Mio's heart suddenly skipped a beat because the fear he had in him is now in front of him, Mio said "these are the clothes from the official's house, Liang asked "why do you have them... did you steal it", Mio started trembling he is scared that if Liang find out about him, he's gonna leave him, Mio shakes his head and with a broke voice he says "no.... I... I didn't steal it", but Liang wants to know everything whatever Mio is hiding from him.

He askes "so why do you have them? Whenever you come back you always bought a lot of stuff, where did those things come from???", now Mio is really afraid he don't want to tell the truth to him, instead he lied again and said "I... I... am the s... son of an official, th... that's why I... I… have those stuff and clothes with me", for a moment Liang believe him that Mio is telling the truth, but he asked one more thing "how do you have the divine whip, an ordinary official's son can't have that thing", now Mio is on the edge he said "that whip was... was.... gifted by the emperor... yes, the emperor gave it to me because I won the royal competition...", Mio lied to Liang again 'coz he didn't know what to say at that time, he took a deep breath and give the porridge to Liang and said "don't worry I'll protect you, rest well I'll come in a minute". Mio came out from the room, his legs felt numb, and he couldn't even move a bit, he thought that if he didn't do anything Liang will soon find about everything. On the other side Liang is thinking "how did Mio know I'm in danger..... it looks suspicious, I have to find about it as soon as possible".

While Liang is thinking how Mio find him, on the other hand, Mio is thinking how to tell the whole truth to Liang. For some days the air become tense and awkward, Mio barely able to say anything to Liang and for Liang.... he is still trying to find the truth.

After a month, it is time for Mio to go back to palace, he thought that when he comes back next time he'll tell everything to Liang, but sometimes what we think never goes that way. On his way Mio was caught by the man of the emperor who were there for finding the intruder and kill him, because Mio didn't even know anything about it he asked him "why are you here and who sent you?", the assign said "the emperor sent me here to find the angel and complete the mission that you are not completing..... also find the place where you going every now and then", Mio looked terrified and thought how to lure him out and buy time to hide Liang. Mio is way too far from house, and it would take time for the assign to find the clue, while Mio is thinking the assign throws his dagger towards him, Mio suddenly jumped and attack back at him, he punched him, but the assign dogged and stabbed him. Mio is injured, but he stood back and gave the assign death glare, he said "if you touch a single strand of hair on Liang I'll cut you into pieces and feed those pieces to my dog", after registering it the assign understood why Mio is protecting Liang, he asked "are you in love with that lowly angle..... don't you feel ashamed for what are you doing?". He suddenly caught Mio's nerves and staring him with strange look, Mio suddenly laughed and said "pfft..... so what I like him... no, I love him, even if you want to tell it to the emperor that his beloved prince is in love with an angle 'SO. BE. IT' 'm not even afraid of you, just do what you want and for being ashamed I'm not even a lil' bit ashamed, so tell whoever you want to tell", Mio said this and smirked at him, but who knows that Liang was listening their conversation and his heart is aching, Liang call out Mio's name and asks him "Mio..... what's this....." he glanced at the assign, and then he saw Mio laying on the ground and covered with deep wound, he asked one thing "Mio... the thing that you said earlier... do you mean it, do you really like me??? Tell me Mio... I really want to know.... Mio... Mio!!!!... Mio!!!!!!!!.....". Mio suddenly fainted, Liang has too many question that he wants the answer for, but he's holding it back. The assign came a bit closer to Liang, but before he does anything to him Liang grabbed his throat and slammed his head against the tree, he asked "what's the relation between you and him, why did you hurt him and what does the emperor has anything to do with him??? ". The assign tells him every thing, and after that he ask his forgiveness and asks him to have mercy on him, but Liang is not going to forgive him, he twisted his neck while giving him a cold expression and said " if you have anything to do with me, you don't have to mess with him, you did the wrong thing first now pay for what you did".

He lifts Mio in his arms and takes him back. When Mio opens his eyes he sees that his Liang is sleeping beside him, his wounds are treated and he is totally naked. Mio blushed and tried to sneak out of bed, but suddenly Liang grabbed his hand and pin him down and asked "why didn't you tell me everything earlier.....", Mio was confused about what he is talking about, he asked "what are you talking about... I... I don't know anything ", Liang grinned and said, "you really don't know anything...??? Remember what you said earlier in the forest". Mio recall everything what happen in the forest, he pushes Liang and ask "did... did he do anything to you, are you alright??? ", Liang said "I am fine don't worry he is already dead" Mio feels relieved but suddenly Liang changed his expression and ask him "who is the emperor to you, and what is with the assign???", Mio was shocked and started trembling, he said " what... what emperor..... what are you talking about???", Liang shouted out and said " stop lying, I know everything ... why did you do this to me, did you find it funny to you??? ", Mio's eyes bursted out in tears, and he started crying, he said " *sob~ am sorry I didn't mean to lie to you, but... but I got scared, *sob I like you so much that I got afraid that you would leave me and never want to meet me again *hic I... *sniff I am sorry, please don't leave me... *sniff please.....". Liang saw his face and thought Mio isn't lying, and he can give him a last chance, he wiped his tears off and with a smile he said " do you really love me, why???".

 Mio stopped crying and blushed' he said " I... I really love you, a... and it's not like that I can't like you", Liang asked "what do you like about me, you just don't like my looks right???", Mio said "why do you think that I only like your looks??? I like every thing about you...", Liang asked "everything means what??? What do you like about me???", Mio flushed and said " you are kind and soft hearted, you never lie and never hurt people needlessly, I like everything 'bout you even though I am the biggest coward in this whole demon world and never fight with anyone but I fought with him 'cause of you, I like you so much". After listening Mio's confession, Liang whispered in his ears.

He said "Thank you, but I have no feelings for you", even though Mio already knew about it, but even if he already knew his heart still breaks. The expression on Mio's face bothers Liang, but he surpassed his feelings and said "I only think of you as a nice person so...", Mio interrupted his words and said "don't worry I am not forcing you to love me back even thought I still have some hopes that you love me somehow". He paused for a second and with a bitter expression he turn his face and continued "I am going back to the palace before someone comes and caught you. I'll send you letter time to time and inform you everything". The disappointed look on Mio's face and his words felt like sharp arrows which are piercing Liang's heart, his heart is aching like hell, he wanted to say a lot he don't know why but he wants to stop him, but he only says ".....ok, I'll wait for your letter...". When Mio is leaving Liang says "... Mio... stay safe... and... no, just go and send me the letters time to time...", and turnes his back on him. Mio with a smile on his face he whisperes "... I'll miss you...".

The day when Mio reached palace, emperor came to his room he saw Mio was in daze, but he didn't say anything and makes himself out of his room. When emperor is gone Mio started to complete his letter and in ten minutes he finished his letter. Mio tied his letter in a homing pigeon's leg and send it to Liang. After two days the letter reach to Liang, he put that pigeon in a cage and went to read the letter which Mio wrote for him, when Liang read the letter his eyes opened wide, and he was shocked, Mio confessed his wrong doings and said,

[ Dear Liang,

I hope you are safe and well, I reached the palace safely, ... even though we've beeen away for not a long time but... I already miss you... it feels like it's been years..., hope that you also miss me. How are you? Are you eating fine? You are not in a trouble, right? If you are I'm sending you this stone, just grab it tightly and say my name, and I'll be there in no time, ok...., my father came to my room when I was writing this letter to you, but he didn't say anything to me, nor did he mention anything about you or about the assign, I think he might have forgotten about it. Liang if anything happens call me as soon as possible. I miss you... I wanted to be with you... Liang... if I wasn't the crown prince I wanted to be with you, spend my every minute with you, I miss you so much Liang. I know I should not have lied to you about my identity but please forgive me, I am sorry for whatever I've done. Next month I'll come to meet you, tell me what you want, I'll bring it to you. I have to go before someone comes and catches me writing this letter.

Take care

I love you, Liang.

Your Mio]

Liang was staring at the stone, he put the stone aside and started to write a letter for Mio and next morning he sent his letter via pigeon. He wrote a very short letter and pour all his heart into it, he don't know why he wrote a letter like that, but he already sent it, so he couldn't do anything about it. The pigeon delievered liang's letter to mio. Mio eagerly opened the letter and started reading it,

[ Dear Mio

I got your letter two days ago. I am fine and doing good, it's the same as always sleeping, chopping woods, finding food, cooking, eating, washing, bathing, feeding the dog and again sleeping. I am not in any kind of danger, so you don't have to worry about it, without you this small house feel's so lonely and quiet. Haah... I really miss you too. You are the only friend I have in this world, I don't even know what to do beside the stuff which I do daily. I'll be waiting for your next letter and don't think too much about what happen before, I already forgave you.

See you soon.

Your Liang]

When Mio read this letter, his urge to meet Liang had notched up, and he's waiting to pass the time as soon as possible. Every time when Mio got a letter from Liang he started to jump with joy and would go around dancing.

Just like this the months passed, and the day come when Mio could go to Liang, but before he could leave the emperor came to him and asked "I am observing you, every now, and then you are rushing off to go somewhere, just where the hell are you going? Are you hiding something from me? ", the words of emperor hit Mio, he started blabbering nonsense, he said "I... I... I... I bought a cow from human world... a... and... and I hide it in a secret room, so... you never gonna find it. Bye, 'am going. See you next month", before the emperor could get hold of him, Mio flew away in a blink of eye.

When Mio is on his way he saw Liang roaming in town, he wanted to shout out his name, but he didn't because he don't want to bring passerby's attention towards them. Mio grabs Liang's shoulder and whispered in his ears "what are you doing here, aren't you scared that someone might eat you up?", Liang shivered and turned. He saw Mio's face is front of him, Liang asked, "what are you doing here? Aren't we supposed to meet at home?", Mio said, "this should be my question, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home?", but rather than giving him a proper answer, he questioned him, "how did you become this tall? You are exceeding my height... what strange thing did you eat while you were there? ". Mio laughed out and gestured to his feet, Mio is floating so that he could reach Liang's height. Liang also started laughing. They roam around the market and buy some stuff while at it. When they are on their way back to home, someone calls Mio's name from behind. When Mio turned around and saw who it is he was beaming with joy.

He saw that Eunseok who is Mio's childhood friend is behind them. He's the only friend of Mio and the first one who had loved Mio for years. Mio don't know what he's up to, Eunseok is the eldest son of emperor best sworn brother. When he saw Liang standing beside Mio, a volcano erupted in his mind, but he didn't yell or overreact and shout his name "Mio~ I am here!!!" he hugged Mio and glared at Liang, it feels like his eyes were saying "don't you dare to touch Mio... do you understand", Liang didn't understand why Mio's friend is glaring at him, he ignored him and ask Mio who he is. 

Mio pushed Eunseok back and grabbed Liang's hand and said "Liang, this is Eunseok my best childhood friend and my father's sworn brother's eldest son... and Eunseok, he is Liang....", Eunseok saw Liang's face and then started to inspect him, he asked Mio "and....", Mio didn't understand what he meant, he asked "what do you mean by 'and' Eunseok... I don't understand...", Eunseok replied, "I mean, who is he, do you know him? You only said his name... not anything else?".

Mio felt uncomfortable, he glanced at Liang, and before he said anything Liang said "I am Mio's sworn sister's aunt's mother's daughter's son's nephew's elder brother's father's eldest son.... now can you excuse us...", Eunseok didn't understand what Liang said and Mio laughed after listening liang's conversation. Eunseok grabs Mio's hand and says "we're going back, let's go Mio" but Liang stops him, he said, "and he is not going with a person whose face is as ugly as a dead roach".

Eunseok felt insulted, he challenged Liang and said "well you look good from outside but... are you really worth being Mio's closest??? I don't think so.... and~ if you think so, why don't you do a match with me??? ", Mio dosen't understand what is Eunseok up to, but Liang know why he is doing this with him. Liang agrees to it, but he wanted to confirm something, so he put up a condition "ok, I accept your challenge, but I have a condition, if I win 'you' don't show us your face again and if I win I'll leave Mio's side" Eunseok laughed at first but with a provoking 'n challenging tone he said "It depends on if you win, ok~ KIDDO~..... do you want to add something else? If so, just say it quickly ", Liang said "Mio is going to decide what kind of challenge we are going to do", Eunseok agreed and as per as the agreement Mio decide whatever the challenge is going to be.

Whatever Mio decided surprised them, he said "seok and Liang you have to do a cooking match 'cuz you both are just so good in it" but the real reason for not letting them fight in real but do a cooking challenge is, Mio is scared he thought "what if Eunseok scratches Liang's most handsome, attractive, charming, beautiful than moon and softer than feather's face. What 'am I gonna do if something happens like this..." so... that's the reason.