Chapter 2

After an hour the preparations for cooking competition begun and Mio was going to start the competition at the count of three, but he felt awkward, he said "hay... you too why am I tied up in this huge ribbon??? Just untie me already!!!!" Just seeing Mio shouting and pouting with anger Liang's cheeks turned peach pink ,his heart skipped a beat and he hides his face from Mio. Liang's face is so flushed that he feels hot suddenly, he calm himself down and gets ready for the competition, the first round is for making fried bun and Eunseok who is in pride of his talent in cooking make a big coal in his first dish. Mio saw his dish and asks "uhh.... what... is this??? I'm sure I said to make fried bun not a coal... right??? ", Eunseok felt very embarrassed 'cuz he made the funniest mistake in his first round, on the other hand, don't know how, but Liang's bun is shining. Eunseok's eyes turned into small beads after seeing Liang's dish, he asked "is this a dish or a lightbulb, why the hell it's shining like this!!! Is it eatable???", Mio's mouth is dripping from water, he wanted to eat Liang's dish very badly and not only Mio but Eunseok's mouth is also full of water because Liang's dish looks so good even though it's a very simple dish, It's look so elegant and beautiful not even the humans who work in five-star hotels could make it.

They both took buns in their hand and took a bite while seeing it, in the first the sound of the great crisp with a little softness in it make their heart flutter and the filling inside the bun was cheese, tomato pure, veggies and beef are mixed so well with each other, that they feel like they are in heavens. The taste of beef seems so fresh and good that it's spreading in their mouth, and in no time the first round is over & Eunseok accepts his loss. The second round started and the theme Mio decided is making curry with meatball. Eunseok dosen't want to lose this round, so he thinks to cheat in this round.

As the competition started both team starts making their dishes, but, where Liang's making his dish on the other side Eunseok took out is phone [which he bought from human realm] and ordered curry with meat ball form Soft Crunch and pretended to make food. Ordering food from the food delivery is being easy to him 'cuz Mio's total focus is on Liang and still it's pissing Eunseok the entire time of the second round so no one watched him ordering food from the delivery.

The dish Liang's making is so good that before it's completed, its fragrance makes Mio heart flutter and made Eunseok more jealous of him. Mio remind them "the time is going to run out only twenty minutes left", Eunseok's still waiting for his order to come, and when he is eagerly waiting a man wearing a helmet approached him, Eunseok asked "why are you so late, do you know what time is it? Just give me the thing I ordered, take this and go...". He took the parcel and came back to his place, and no one looked at him. Mio gave them the reminder that "only five minutes are left", both Liang and Eunseok decorated their plate and when the time ended Mio blew the whistle and said "Time's up... now serve the food to me~".

As the food came, Mio not only ignored Eunseok but his food as well, 'cus it is far from the taste of the food that Liang made. He made a dish with a divine taste with one bite makes once souls reach to heaven. Mio and Eunseok took a bite and the same reaction as before, the taste is so good that it's hard to describe. The meatballs are well fried and golden brown in colour, veggies seems fresh, nice in colour and nicely seasoned, the curry is well thick and creamy with a little bit of spiciness in it. The spice which blend with the cream and the meatball which is totally soaked in the curry, with this Mio declared that "Liang win's this competition". Mio fell so deep in love with liang and his food that he forgot to eat Eunseok's curry and declare Liang's win.

Eunseok feel so ashamed that he lose to a nobody like Liang. He drew his sword and to stab him, but Mio stopped him and ask "why are you doing this???", Eunseok said "this is not fair... you know that he's good at cooking, but you still choose this kind of competition", Mio said "you told me you're very good at it, so why is it not fair?", Eunseok "t-that... I tell it to you... I know... but... before taking the decision we should have to do the third round ", Mio declined his request and said "no need to take the third round... it's already decided".

Eunseok thought that if he wants Mio for himself, he had to remove this hurdle from his path. He gathered his mana and with a powerful swing with his sword he attacked Liang, but Mio jumped in between just in time and took that attack on himself. He was so badly wounded.

Liang was so taken aback from what happened in that brief moment, he held Mio in his arms and hugged him, on the other side Eunseok ran towards Mio and tried to take him, but Liang pushed his hand and glared at him. Mio moved and ask Liang to hold him, 'cuz he wanted to ask something to Eunseok. Liang moved Mio and made him sit on his lap, Mio asked "why did you do this, am I not your friend or don't you see me as one??? ", Eunseok bit his lips as if he doesn't want to say the reason why he did this, but Mio's face had an expression like he's saying that ' if he has a good reason or not 'am gonna leave him for good and never gonna talk to him again '.

After seeing Mio's straight face he has no courage left in him, but he still puts himself together, closes his eyes and says "I feel jealous of him", Mio tilts his head as he is confused why is Eunseok jealous Liang? He asked him "why are you jealous of him???", Eunseok says "I've loved you from the time when we were little... that's why...", Mio couldn't believe this but Eunseok is his only friend, so he forgave him and turned a blind eye to what he did, Mio said "I always thoughtof you as a friend from the very beginning and I don't want to make our relationship worst so please... leave me and Liang alone, don't tell anyone about Liang and don't come to find me again I want to cool my head for a bit" after saying this Liang took Mio back to their home and left Eunseok back there with a slummy and disappointed face.

When Liang came back to their home, he cleaned Mio's body and bandaged him. Mio passed out on the way home, so when he came back to his sense, he saw a familiar scene. When he opened his eyes he saw that Liang is sleeping beside him, and he is totally butt naked, he didn't even wear a single robe and somehow nor Liang wore anything they both are sharing a single bed and a single quilt like couples do. This thing made Mio's stomach set butterflies out in it, he wanted to take a peak down in the quilt, but he feels too ashamed, he restrains himself form doing so, but... his hand starts moving on his own.

When Mio pulls up the sheets he suddenly started screaming. He throw the sheets and runs to hide behind the curtains. Liang woke up due to the commotion Mio made and asked, "why are you screaming this early in the morning...?", Mio said with a trembling voice, "d…don't... don't move...".

Mio is afraid of something, but Liang couldn't understand what is it, he asks him "what are you afraid of this time", but Mio keeps repeating the same thing over and over again "don't move!!!! You idiot", this was the first time Liang has heard Mio using such words, he question him again "why can't I move from my place…?".

With a meek voice Mio says "look at your dick...", Liang really didn't understand what in the world did Mio see and why he wants him to see his own genital. He said "I would not see it..." Mio yelled "there is a snake gripping your dick you moron!!!!!...". Liang's face turned pale, he pulled up the sheets to find a huge snake circeling around his cock and kissing the tip. Liang felt so digusted he grabbed the snake's head and accidentally threw it where Mio was standing.

Mio sprinted towards Liang and hid under the sheets, suddenly they heard a voice. The words came from the snake. Liang looks at Mio and nods, they get off from the bed to take a good look at the weird snake. The snake was definitely peculiar, it had a weird mark on his forehead. When they took a closer of it, the snake suddenly felt shy and said, "please... don't look at me like that, I am mortified..." hearing a snake say that it feels embarrassing makes the atmosphere of the room shift. The snake moves and crawls over Liang's biceps and encircles his arm with his body, and then starts massaging his chest with his tail. Witnessing this with his own eyes, Mio suddenly stands up and storms out of the room. Liang feels a bit strange and prcesses why Mio stormed out of the room like that.

Suddenly he hears voices of utensils clacking, he asks Mio "what are you doing in the kitchen!!!??" the moment these words left his mouth a sudden black aura came from the door. It was Mio, he was carrying a knife. Liang asks, "why are you... carrying that thing in your hand like that..." but Mio didn't hear a word, he was glaring at the snake which was clinging onto Liang's arm, Mio muttered "he's not yours... you can't have him... I'll make a doormat with your skin, you filthy perv snake...". Mio grabbed that snake's neck and pulled it out of Liang's arm by force, he then put that snake onto the ground and raised his knife to cut his neck, but suddenly the snake started to glow up.

Mio and Liang both closed their eyes and took a step back. When the light vanished, the snake was gone and nothing was there. When they opened their eyes, the snake vanished like it never existed in the first place.

They sighed* in relief and sat on the bed, but Mio is still hesistant about the fact THAT snake didn't leave yet. While he was thinking about it, a bumping sound came under the bed. Mio took out his knife again, but Liang stopped him, he suggested that he'll take a look under the bed and if everything appears ok he will show a thumb's up sign to him. Mio accepted his request and allowed him to proceed with his plans. Liang sat at the edge of the bed and bent down to look, but then a huge hand grabbed his back and took him under the bed. Mio was taken aback that he didn't move an inch for a beat, but suddenly he knelt and took a look under the bed.

He saw a person with dark complexion, white hair, golden eyes with a weird mark on center of his forehead and eyebrows, with just one glance Mio recognised him he's the same pervert snake. But even seeing a half human-snake who's even bigger than Liang, and a built body and both of those big bulky men under that small bed didn't surprise Mio a bit, he didn't even question them how did they even fit under that small space, rather he was shocked that how that perv snake was holding Liang's dick and clinging onto him. Mio suddenly understand one more thing that THAT man is his rival because Liang was not resisting his touch and that man is definitely a bottom.

Mio has never faced such a red flag situation in his entire life. There was only one thought in mio's mind 'how to separate them from each other'. Mio took out his knife and pointed it at both of them and with a pissed voice said "both of you... leave each other... RIGHT.NOW!!!...", Liang came back to his senses and looked at Mio. He was already struggling from that human-snake and unable to move, seeing them cuddling each other, with speed of light Mio threw the bed out of the window and grabbed that snake from neck. Liang got up and asked Mio to stop but Mio yelled at Liang and said "leave him so that you too could cuddle together... what about me Liang?...", Mio's eyes suddenly filled with tears he dropped that snake and hugged Liang and asked "what about me Liang... tell me would you leave me for this man...???", the snake came back to his senses and with a furocious and loud voice he asked "where did you hide my babies...!!!?", both Mio and Liang got confused they nodded at each other and captured that snake.

The snake continuously asking that where did they hide their babies, but Liang said that they don't know what he's talking about, Mio said" stop talking about the kids, first tell me why did you cling onto Liang and started harassing him. The snake told them "the day before yesterday my babies disappeared when I came home after searching for food and wasn't able to find them then suddenly some people came and told me that a man with a very shiny and glowing skin came and took my kids somewhere, when I asked where can I find him... they told me that you live in this forest, they also told me you people are vicious and cruel and gave me a medicine to eat so that you could not be able to harm me, but... ".

Mio interrupted and said "are you a kid... how can a grown up man be fooled by some strangers...???", Liang stopped him and said "Mio... just let him finish his sentence and talk to him calmly... look at his face he's already quiet worried about his kids... just don't say anything to him now..." as Mio cooled his head Liang asked the snake demon to continue, the snake demon was already confused, he said "yeah... so... I was saying that when I ate those medicines, within an or two hours my body became hot, and I was starting to feel dizzy it somewhat felt like something triggered my heat, and I was unable to understand. When I was struggling from my unpredictable heat, I somehow changed into my snake form and found this place. I crawled from the window behind you and slept on the bed you throw out just a moment ago...".

Now Liang and Mio both understood what actually happened but Mio was so pissed by the way that snake demon is referring him, he felt like he was provoked and said "well I feel sad that you got fooled by those men and now your precious babies are stolen too" Liang shuts Mio's mouth and said "don't worry Mr... ", the snake demon introduced him self "My name is Hunas, you can call me Hun", Mio was not glad to meet Hunas, so he said nothing, but instead he asked to say something to him, Liang said "well... it's nice to meet you Hunas... and don't worry we'll help you find your kids", Hunas asked with a very strange face "so you're not the one who stole my babies...???" Mio said "well it's too bad that we are not the one you are finding..." Hunas suddenly felt embarrassed and guilty that he was accusing the wrong guy for kidnapping his kids and even harassed him without knowing who's he, Hunas said "I am really sorry for wrongly accusing you of kidnapping my kids and even sexually harassing you..." Mio and Liang were just thinking of forgiving him after listening to his apology, when suddenly they were ambushed by those bandits who attacked them a while ago.

They were those people who a while ago mistook Liang as the crown prince and attacked both of them and now while taking revenge they involved an innocent person too. Seeing them make an atrocious move only to get back on someone, Liang remembered those angels who bullied him for no reason and threw Liang into the void. For a moment Liang thought "what if god doesn't want me anymore... if am the only one got bullied and get hurt by everyone it means the problem lies in me or maybe am not meant for being an angel and was a demon since from the start and god pitied me and made me an angel later". Liang know that he's wasting his timeon baseless assumptions, but he can't ignore the fact that huna's babies were kidnapped by those bandits only to get revenge from him and Mio was once hurt because of them. While he was thinking about these things, he heard Mio's voice call out his name. So many emotion rushing within him which triggered and made him lose his temper. It was that moment everyone who were present there witnessed an angels range and sadness at the same time. Mio was so suprised when he saw Liang's tears dripping out of his eyes and smashing those cheap bandits heads like they were nothing. He knew that he was also hurting himself as they were reciprocating the punches, but it didn't budge him at all. Mio tried to stop Liang, but Liang didn't have any self-control. He grabbed Mio by his throat and threw him away. Mio constantly calling out Liang's name and asking him to stop, or he will soon be found by the emperor. Liang's eyes were totally blank Mio could clearly see it. It was the very first time when he saw Liang in this state, despite knowing him from months.

Mio walk towards Liang and called out his name again, but Liang didn't hear him. Mio let his wings out and grabbed his face gently, it was in that moment that Liang felt like the only one who love him was in front of him. He called out Mio's name softly and kissed him. Mio said,"you fool... I'm right here now who do you want to love you besides me...", with blood shed everywhere, their wings fluttered and cover each other, Mio kissed him again.

Liang calmed down and was looking everywhere, but the only thing he could see was blood splattered everywhere and dead bodies. His stomach churned and rolled after seeing the mess he made. It's not that he's never seen this kind of scene before, but he was shocked about the fact that he lost his emotion because of something as absurd as that. He killed so many people now he was scared what's going to happen next. While he was lost in these thoughts, Mio grabbed his hand and said, "don't worry... I am here, if no one is by your side 'am always by your side".

When they were talking to each other, Mio suddenly heard rustling sound from the bushes, he tiptoed till there and saw one of them was alive and was running away with Hunas's babies. Liang sprint over there and grabbed that man by his collar, Mio came over there and took the kids from him. The kid were tightly wrapped into a piece of cloth soaked in blood, he rushed inside the house and untied Hunas. He was taken aback from seeing all that blood that covered the piece of cloth that wasn't even moving, he had no courage left inside him to open it and see his dead children's face. He hugged that bundle and started crying. Liang came inside the house, and the first thing he saw was a man crying for his children.

He grabbed Mio's hands and muttered something. When Hunas was was crying, he suddenly felt something moving. Without wasting a beat, he opened it. A very small hand reached his face and touched his tears. With a smile on his face and tears of happiness in his eyes, he hugged his babies and cried. Mio felt bad for what he said to Hunas back then, he patted his shoulder and said "you just rest here for a while, and I'll make something for you... ok...", Hunas nodded his head and took his babies to the corner of the room to breastfeed his babies.

Mio took Liang into the kitchen to clean and bandaged his wounds and made some nourishing food for both Liang and Hunas. Liang helped him to prepare the food, when the food was ready he stopped Mio for a sec to say something but Mio refused. Liang grabbed his hand and said, "Thank you...", Mio didn't understand why Liang said that, but he surely knew that Liang also feel the same as he.

Mio pass the food to Hunas to eat and asked "how are your kids doing now...?", he pressed his lips and said "... they are weak, so they have difficulties to suck milk...", Liang asked "even if male demon snakes gave birth how can you breastfeed like a female???", Mio said "Hunas is demon with half snake and half dog genes that's why". Liang didn't understand how did he know about when he just met him, he asked "and how do you know?...", Hunas and Mio laughed softly then he pointed his finger towards Hunas head and said "because he has a mark on him, here in our world if a man who have these weird marks onto them since birth can give birth and breastfeed too. That's how he can breastfeed his children", Liang understood everything, he felt so embarrassed that he finished his food asap and went to do the dishes in the kitchen. Mio asked Hunas where he put his kids to sleep, Hunas told his that he put them asleep in the corner of the room. Mio told him to put them on the bed and gave him some medicine to feed his kids. Liang repaired the bed and bought it back to the room. Hunas put his kids on the bed and tried to feed them the medicine that Mio gave him, but he failed to feed them. Mio took a glimpse of his babies and his heart started pounding. His kids have small pups ears with big eyes and a snake tail, they were so adorable that Mio wasn't able to resist his urge to pick them up.

Mio took them into his arms, but they started crying. Mio put the babies back and asked Liang to do something about them. Liang tried to distract the kids with his magic and feed them the medicine, after that Hunas sang a lullaby to put the kids back to sleep, Mio asked "Hunas… I've never heard this kind of lullaby before, where did you learn it, it was so beautiful…", Hunas's face became dull and he with a bitter expression said "…their father sang this lullaby when I was pregnant with them…", Liang asked "so where is their father now? He to be here with you now...!!!", Hunas expression became more gloomy and tears fell from his eyes, Mio asked "why are you crying???!!! Hunas...", Hunas said,"last year their father accompanied the emperor with rest of the soldiers and village local mercenaries to wild mutant beast hunt, but he was killed by those beasts, half of our village people faced the same fate and died. The people who came back safe told us that it was planned by the emperor and his right-hand man because their father was stronger than the king, and he felt threatened...", Mio knew this incident because his father was talking about it with his right hand man back then, and he accidentally heard about it. He didn't know that his father is capable of doing anything for his throne, but now they have a very difficult situation. It is to what to do with Hunas and his babies, for now they let them stay there and thought will think about it the next morning. For that night, Hunas and his kids stayed in the back room of the house, Hunas was also thinking whether he should leave the house first thing in the morning or bid farewell to Mio and Liang, and then leave the house.

While Hunas was thinking about these things, on the other side Mio and Liang were talking about what happened on this evening, Mio with a soft and shy voice asked "umm... Liang the thing that happened earlier... don't you want to say something about it...", Liang didn't understand what was Mio talking about he said "what thing...??? Did something happen, are you talking about what happen in the evening, about the fight???...", Mio smacked his head and said "... 'I am talking about the kiss 'THE KISS' ... don't you feel anything about it...", Liang fell silent and said "...I am not sure about my feeling for you yet... it will take some time to sort everything out, so... I can't give you the answer now... I'm sorry...", Mio with a disappointed face said "no...!!! Don't be sorry!!! You didn't do anything wrong, I am the one who got my hopes up because of it... I know, so don't apologize again...".

Liang felt guilty 'cause he knows that Mio likes him, but he can't do the same, he can't like him back. He is thinking about the worst senario, that if a war is initated because of them, it would be the end of both angel and demon world. That night they slept separately, far from each others sights. No one dares to say a single word to each other as it would start a new misunderstanding between them.

The next morning, Mio saw that Hunas was packing something, he told Liang about it after a while when they were discussing something, Hunas came. He knocked on the door and came inside the room where they were talking, Mio saw that he was hanging two of his babies on his back and one is in his hands. Mio asked him, "We were gust talking about you, but where are you going...", Hunas kneeled down in front of them and said "am really sorry for what I did to you... we are going and would never disturb you ever again" he bowed down and apologized.

Liang lift him up and said, "please don't, we know that you didn't do it on purpose, and it was all planned by them so don't be...", Mio said "Yes!!! Liang is right, don't apologize, and we already decided what to do now...", Hunas was confused after listening to mio. He asked, "what is it...??? What are you talking about... I don't quite understand...", Liang said, "we decided that from now on you are living with us", Hunas was shocked he wanted to say something but suddenly Mio intrrupted "Liang~!!! Don't say it like that!!! What if he misunderstood it... Hunas, what Liang means is we wanted to hire you as a helper here", Hunas finally understood what they were talking about, but he still felt uneasy about it, he said "But if I stay I will be a trouble to you two... so...", Mio said "don't think too much I am hiring you cause when I will be away Liang will be alone at home with that weird dog of his, so someone has to be here to look after him and while you are here we will give you food and shelter too, you just have to protect Liang no matter what when am not here", Hunas didn't know why, but he accepted the offer.

After that day, Mio went back to the palace, his father was so furious he asked him where was he going every now and then, but Mio never opened his mouth. His father knew that Mio is hiding something from him and not answering it because it's dangerous for him too. Mio's father put a tail behind his back, so he will get informed whatever he's hiding from him. After a few days, Mio sneaked out of the palace and went somewhere and as Mio's father had instructed, the spy follows him wherever that he is going. Mio went to a hut in the middle of nowhere. Mio ran towards the gate and opened it. The moment the spy saw the thing inside that hut, he went to the emperor and reported it. When the emperor heard what the spy said, he couldn't believe it at first and was so suprised.

When Mio came back to the palace, he saw that his father was in his room, with a serious look on his face his father saw him and said "come here!!! I want to talk to you about something", Mio got scared, he walks to his father and kneels, he thought that his father found about Liang, the emperor said "if you want it so badly you should have told me sooner, why did you hide it from me???", Mio said "I thought if I told you, you would kill him and I also didn't have the courage to tell you", his father said "but you should have told me, why are you raising a poor breed like that?..." Mio got confused, he didn't know what his father was reffering to, Mio asked "what are you talking about, I don't understand", the emperor said "I am talking about the pet you are raising in the forest. If I were you, I would raise a better breed than that... huh*... don't know why you chose that".