Chapter 3

Mio got angry after listening to his father, he yelled on him and said "How can you say something like this about him... 'He Is Not A LOW BREED'" for a sec his father got scared, he had goosebumps all over his body, It was not the first time for the emperor to see Mio this angry, he asked "what happened Mio, did I say something wrong...", his father didn't have any idea why Mio is angry, Mio suddenly said "if you don't like him then just say so, I am not gonna kill him!!! I'll leave him back to his world...", now the atmosphere of the room became so uncomfortable for both of them that they didn't say a word to each other, Mio was sobbing in front of his father, seeing Mio like this the emperor said "If you like that cow too much you can keep it..." Mio suddenly wiped his tears and with a shocked expression he said "What!!!??? What are you talking about???", after listening to Mio emperor had doubts on what his spy said to him, he raised his right eyebrow and with a suspicious expression on his face, he asked "weren't you secretly raising a cow in the forest behind the palace of Rihak...???" Mio understood that It's a plan of his dad to find Liang, and he is the one who hired a man to follow him, Mio wipped his face and said "Sniff*... Father... do you remember a few months ago you asked me that where am I going occasionally... I found him...".

Emperor raised his head and asked "did you find him...!!!?", Mio nodded and said "...yes, you guessed it right..." the emperor got excited and grabbed Mio's face, he asked "Where did you hide him! tell me I would not say anything to you...", Mio replied, "the forest behind the palace of Rihak... is where I hid it... MY COW...". The emperor got confused after listening what Mio said, he said "Don't play with me Mio, you don't have any idea what your father is capable of...", Mio answered him back and said "I know, Father, but you are forgetting one thing... I already told you, didn't I?", emperor asked "What...?!!!", Mio with his head down in front of the emperor said "...a few months ago you asked me where am I going every now and then, do you remember..." emperor has no idea what Mio is saying, he turned his back on Mio and said "so what do you want to say...!!!", Mio said "A few months ago I accidentally told you that I bought a cow from human world, and I am hiding it from you...", emperor suddenly remembered that Mio told him this thing a few months ago, but he still had a doubt onto him, so the emperor asked him "Why are you hiding a mere animal like that from me, it's not like I am going to eat a pet you raised???!! Or... are you hiding something else from me...?!!!", Mio understood that the emperor is suspicious of him, and if the conversation goes on any further, the emperor will find out about the truth, the truth about Mio hiding Liang from him. Mio pouted his face and said, "Last time you used my pet horse and bought it back dead, and now you are saying that you would not do anything to my cow... I'll not give my cow to you", seeing Mio whining and pouting in anger for his pet, the emperor dropped the discussion and lifted him up to his feet.

He wiped his tears and said "I am sorry my son, for scolding and doubting you for no reason... you know right... that THAT angel is hiding in this world and everyone is so concerned about it... if we don't do anything about it everyone would get in danger...", Mio nodded and said "yes, I know father... but...", emperor shut his mouth with his finger like how a kid shut his mouth with finger on his lips, and said "NO. BUTS. AND. NO. IFS... you have to kill that bastard angel and bring his head and wings to me... and no more excuses...", Mio left his room and ran to the garden of vitality. The garden of vitality is a place where the royal family do meditation and revive their magic aura. But for Mio it's a place to dry his tears, surpass his range and make him stronger inside, for many years this place was helping him from loosing himself and unleashing his monster. He went to the pond which is near the garden of vitality, it's also a hidden spot in the garden that no one knows about, he saw his face and suddenly jumped from frighten. As Mio is also a demon who got his half genes from his father and half from his mother. His father [Emperor] is a six winged deamon king and his mother was a pearl white dragon. He saw that the skin of his face is turning into dragon scale and his eyes started looking like a monster's eye, as he was trying to not lose his control, he opened his wings, the wings were different from before. Back then, when he was with Liang he only had a pair of black feather wings but this time when he spread his wings, he had six dragon wings.

He didn't want to believe that he also had six wings like his father. He wants to rip his wings out, but the pain of ripping out wings which look like his mother, he couldn't do anything but left it like that. Not only that, but he was so angry and confused that he thought about only one thing, "I... I have to meet Liang quickly... but what will I say when I meet him... What if he asked me, why am I looking like this or how did it happen.... or should I tell him that my father put a tail on me, so we have to change our hiding spot...". He was just thinking these things when suddenly he heard footsteps behind the bushes.

As he already had lost his mind, he could only hear his father's words echoing in his ears. The pressure for succeeding the throne, the eyes of nobles looking at him with a bizzare gaze, the monsters, demons, incubus, succubus and every creature of the entire demon world screaming for him to be the next ruler. He lost his consciousness and attacked whoever was behind the bushes without looking. He jumped at him and raised his claws, but before he attacked him that person hugged Mio and said "Don't!!!!.... just calm down, no one will hurt you... so calm down..." Mio got silenced for a sec but suddenly bit his shoulder.

The man moaned in pain, Mio felt like he has heard this voice before, but before he found out who he is, he fainted and unconsciously said "I... have to go back to him...", the man knew who Mio is referring to, he went to the forest where Liang is hiding. Liang was taking off the dried clothes from the back of the house when he suddenly saw a shadow coming towards him. Before he says a word Hunas came with a butcher's knife in his hand, and warned that mysterious person and said "Don't come near my master, or you would be in trouble!!!", the man didn't budge and came forward to them, before Hunas moves, Liang stopped him, he pointed his finger at that man and said "look there is something in his hand, we should not make a move carelessly... let's wait...", Hunas stepped back. Seeing Hunas retrating his knife back, the man came forward. Liang's eyes opened wider with shock as soon as he saw him.

The man came forward to Hunas and tried to give it to him, at first Hunas refused to take it but when he took a closer look at it, he shouted out "...Ahhh... w... what did you do to master... wh.... why is he looking like this...", Liang came forward and the moment he saw it he knew that it was 'Mio' and the man who is holding him is not a stranger but his love rival and Mio's childhood friend 'Eunseok'. He took Mio in his arms and yelled at him, "What did you do to Mio... Did you take revenge on him for rejecting you???", Eunseok yelled back at him and said, "I didn't!!!.... I.. didn't... I can't do anything to him, he was already like this when I found him..." Liang wouldn't believe his words, he had no trust in him, he looked at him suspiciously and asked "How can I believe you that you are not the one who harmed him???", Eunseok said "Mio since from the birth has never taken his designated demon form, he always controlled his anger and emotions so...", Liang didn't understand why didn't Eunseok complete his sentence, he asked "So... So what??? is there something else that you're hiding from me???".

Eunseok turn bowed down and shook his head, as if he was avoiding his questions, but he pressed his lips for a bit and said, "I am thinking that something happened between emperor and him that triggered his mind and emotionally damaged him and became the cause of his abnormal awakening process. The emperor basically... loves him... I know, but on the other hand he loves his power more, and Mio being the royal blood of his makes him feel more under pressure... in fact...". Liang "in fact what? don't pause in the middle!!!" Eunseok said, "I am not purposely pausing!!! but it really is a serious matter 'cuz he's going to ascend the throne soon and all of this is just making him more suffer!!! he can't let his anger out, nor he has anyone to lean on!!!" after saying this much in range, Eunseok said one more thing that hit the right nerve of Liang, he said "The only person he cries in front of is you after his mother", the moment Liang heard those words he felt as if the thunder that was rumbling all of this time, he wants that one of those lightening strike him and turn him into ashes.

He felt so bad for not asking him about all this, that if he had any problem or if there is something that's upsetting him. As he hugged him tightly and sat on the ground, the rain started pouring, it was as if the cloud is also repenting for Liang's mistake and asking Mio for his forgiveness. For never knowing that something is wrong, or never understanding that there is so much pain and worry hidden behind the pretty smile of his. Hunas grabbed Liang's shoulder and said "master Liang... it's pouring... lets take master Mio inside" while he said this to Liang he also said Eunseok to come inside the house, but before he took a step inside the house Liang stopped him and said "you can't com-" but Hunas stopped Liang and whispered "master Liang you once told me that he's master Mio's childhood friend right?" Liang took a look at Eunseok, turned his head again and nodded. Huans said "so it means if today you didn't let him come inside the house and once master Mio gets to know about this he would be very upset because he is his only friend, right???", Liang listened to Hunas words and let Eunseok come inside the house.

Liang took Mio to their room. Eunseok tried to go inside but Hunas said "it's their room please let them be alone for some time, master Liang will take care of master Mio...." Eunseok asked "who are you? What are you doing here? And why are they living with each other?". Hunas told him that he would tell him everything, but he should have to dress his wound first. For a moment Eunseok completely forgot that he has a wound, he changed his clothes to the clothes that Hunas gave him to wear. Liang was still with Mio in his room, and Eunseok was worried about Mio outside the room. After Hunas gave food in Liang's room, he brought some food for Eunseok and his kids too. He sat with him and said "now I'll tell you everything you want to know, ask whatever you want", while eating Eunseok said "first tell me what I asked before "who are you? What are you doing here?", Hunas answered, "My name is Hunas Jioseth. I am a half snake-dog demon. My husband was the local mercenaries of our village..." Eunseok asked his husband's name, Hunas said "Hanvik Jioseth" Eunseok chocked his food the moment he heard his husband's name.

He asked him that if he's telling lie to him but Hunas said "yes, he was my husband he died a year ago, and few days ago master Liang and master Mio helped me and my babies and took me in as a servant and care taker of master Liang". Eunseok took a closer look at him and notice that he is even bigger in size than Liang, but he is way younger than him. He was thinking something, but suddenly Hunas babies jumped on his back. They started shouting and crying "pappa-papaa... wheare did you go...","you finally come backi~","pappaa~ you would nuut go back to god's home wuright?...". Hunas stood up and put down his kids down from Eunseok's back "hyun-jin, min-jin, sung-jin, never do that again, ok. Uncle has a wound on his shoulder, and he's not your father, don't do it again...".

For a sec, Eunseok felt a tingling feeling in his heart, when he heard the word 'father'. He saw those kids, their eyes was so adorable, but sad too. He gestured with his hand towards them and asked the kids to come over. Kids ran over him and their sad faced turned bright and lovely, seeing his kids smiling and giggling Hunas got emotional. He stood up and cleaned the table "You guys play, I'll come after cleaning the kitchen" Hunas said to Eunseok and went to the kitchen. Now Eunseok was left alone with the kids, he asked "kids what's your name?".

"Hyun-jin", "sung-jin", "min-jin", the kids replied. Eunseok hummed* and asked "how old are you?", hyun-jin with lots of excitement, said "I am 1 year old an-and min-jin is 1 year old and sung-jin is 1 year old too...". Eunseok laughed and said "you don't need to rush about anything, ok", kids nodded and asked "uncle can't you stay with us? We can play with you always... uncle Mio always come and go and uncle Liang don't know how to play any games". Eunseok went silent for a second, then he suddenly asked "Do... Does your uncle Liang took care of your uncle Mio well?", min-jin moved Eunseok's hand from his head then stood in front of him. Eunseok didn't understand what is she doing. Min-jin gestured with her arms outstretched and said "My arms are shmall, but uncle Liang like uncle Mio thish much", Sung-jin and hyun-jin also join her, they join their hands and outstretched their hands with her. Eunseok understands that he is not needed here. He patted the kids head, stood up and started to pack his things.

The kids grabbed his legs and with teary eyes, they asked "Are you really going now?", "Don't you want to play with us anymore?", "Don't you like us?". Eunseok looked in those eyes, he didn't want to leave either, he wanted to spend some more time with them, but after finding out that Mio already likes someone else, and they are living together. He couldn't stay. "I want to play with you... but I have some work to do, I already dropped your uncle Mio here... He's with your uncle Liang go and see them after I go..." he said to kids and went out the door. As Eunseok comes out, he bumped into Hunas, but before Hunas falls to the ground, he catches him by his waist.

Their faces were so close to each other, and the pillow that was in Hunas's hands, fell to the floor in such a dramatic way that the feathers that were stuffed in those pillows scattered everywhere. They locked their gaze for a moment, Eunseok brushed his hair gently and tucked it behind his ears. Hunas felt shy, his ears got red, he pushed Eunseok off of him and fixed his clothes. Eunseok was also blushing, but he acted as if nothing happen. Hunas with a very awkward tone asked him, "a-are you going somewhere...???". Eunseok was also feeling shy but rather than answering him bluntly, he took his time, but still he answered him and said something that no one would expect. "Uhhm*... I'll come quickly, just take care of the kids", After coming out from a weird situation he blurted out something unexpected. Hunas didn't understand what he said, he frowned and said, "what do you mean? They are my kids, I WILL take care of them!!! you don't have to tell me". Hunas totally misunderstood what Eunseok told him. He said, "It's not what I mean..." Hunas was still frowning and listened to what's he saying. "I wanted to say that, please take care of Mio... I am going now...", when he was done explaining to Hunas, he walked past away from him.

Hunas wanted to stop him, but he thought it would be very inappropriate for him to say it out loud. As soon as he was going away from the house, the restlessness and yearning for each other was increasing in both of their hearts. They didn't know why their heart were aching like this, but they know that it's just the beginning of something new.

After seeing him off, Hunas closed the door and went inside. He saw that the kids were crying for Eunseok, min-jin who was sitting with her brothers stood up and hugged his father, later on sung-jin and hyun-jin also join in. They hugged them and said (in baby voice) "don't wolly momma, he said he'll come back soon", "yesh! and he'll bwring gifts too!!!", "and he'll play wifh us too..." Liang was staring mio with blank eyes. The scales on his body seemed foreign to him. He was trying to analyse what's happening. Liang stroke his head and with closed eyes he murmed "I love you Mio, please don't leave me here alone...". Mio unconciously turned towards the wall.

Liang took a breath of relief as he knew that mio is just sleeping. He sat there the whole night because he had a bad feeling that something is going to happen soon, and he don't want mio to be in danger.

He was sitting right there to watch him. On the other hand Eunseok's heart was pounding as if it'll come out from his chest any moment. His mind with just few moments with hunas filled with his voice, look and everything about him started to make him crazy. He couldn't believe he was thinking about someone else who is not mio and doing such kind of immoral deeds which he never done before. The whole night was a chaos for everyone. 

The next morning, before the dawn, mio woke up with all teary eyes. His face didn't turn back to normal, but insteed the scales were grown on his arms too. it was a relief for him that his wings disappeared when he fainted near the pond. For a second he sighed, but after a while he remember that there was someone behind the bushes, but didn't know who was he. Mio hardly remember a very familiar voice he heard the very last night.

He was just thinking about it when the dawn broke and the sun rose. He was so mesmerised by the beauty of it that he forgot to check where he was and to find out how he ended up here.

Mio turn his head at the edge of the bed to get on his feet, but the moment he turn, with the light of the rising sun spreading all over the room he saw liang sleeping. Liang was sitting on the floor while supporting his upper body with the edge of the bed. Mio wiped his tears and saw that it was his room.

It was so shocking for him that he is stored up and run towards bathroom. He went inside and locked himself, then he washed his face and look at himself with a really bizarre stare in the mirror.

After a while, he heard a sound of running. He thought maybe it was Hunas's kids woke up early and started playing without his father knowing. For a minute he thought that it was the kid running around the house and he totally forgot about Liang but suddenly a knock on the door which broke the peace of mio's inner mind.

After the knock a deafening silence took over the bathroom. But it didn't last long, in a few seconds someone outside the gate was banging the door furiously. That's when he remember that Liang was sleeping near the bed.

A voice came "Mio!!! open the door if you are inside!!! don't be scared!!!" Liang was outside the door. He woke a few minutes after Mio rused to the bathroom. He was so scared when he didn't see him sleeping on the bed. He looked for him everywhere in the house. He even told Hunas to search for him in garden and backyard.

Then he just saw the bathroom's door being locked from the inside. Mio went to open the door, but as soon hands reached the door knob he retreat and said "!!!.. I would not open it!!!...". liang knew that Mio is feeling insecure and shy because of the Dragon scale that unexpectedly grew all over his body, but he would not be able to help him if Mio keep refusing to come out he said in a firm tone "we've already seen it last night... you don't have to worry about it, look if you don't tell us what exactly happened you we would not the able to help you... so please open the door...".Mio was so confused and ashamed for how he came here and Liang and everyone have seen him in this state already. He gathered his courage and open the door.

The moment he opened the door Liang grabed him into his arms. He said "you don't need to worry I am here shush*... don't cry..." Mio's eyes burst with tears, he grabbed onto his shirt and started crying as if he's so done with his father, or the responsibility for being a Crown Prince, or his life. But he knew, in his hurt there is still someone who gave him hope to live, to keep going on do what he's doing, to smile, laugh and be himself and that person was Liang.

His eyes which just went back normal, became Puffy again with all that crying. But it doesn't matter to him now because he knew that the person he likes still like him how he is in the place right now. He reached towards Liang's years and whispered "I have seen you calling out my name in your sleep, don't you want to say something to me" Liang's face blushed, but instead of replying he changed the topic and asked him "how in the world this happened to you?!!!"while touching his scales on his arms, he added "is something bothering you? are you okay?" Mio clearly saw Liang blushing but he didn't say anything about it nor did he answer his questions.

Mio went to the kitchen and took a knife, then he went to the backyard and sat on a stool. Liang followed him and saw that Mio was going to scrap his skin off with that knife. He grabbed the knife away from him. Mio was trying to remove all of the Dragon scales off of his body. Liang saw that the root of the scales of his right arm is bleeding. He frowned at him and took him back inside the room. Min-jin took a peek behind the door, she saw the ingured arm of Mio and went to his brothers.