[Inverse World!]

"Well. Sure."

Nvida created a bunch of chairs around a round table and covered the entire area with a translucent barrier. While the dark mages added another red coloured barrier below that one.

Trisha, however, did not create any barrier as she simply sat on the chair beside me on the left side. And Nvida was a bit farther left of Trisha.

The Dark Mages sat exactly opposite to us, with the Purple mage in the center, Crazy manipulator on his right. Albedo was beside the mage, and that spear mage was beside the Manipulator.

"We will start first," the purple mage spoke as he began explaining,

"I will first tell you of our purpose here and our final goal. It is rather simple to be honest,

We want to revive the Demon Lord Laplace. That is the purpose of our visit here. According to a valuable source, the Book of Array is within these forests."

Hearing this, I then turned to the Crazy Manipulator and asked,