[Spectators and those who joined the 'discussion']

"How much do you guys know about the essence of Laplace?" I asked as I looked at them, wondering how much of the story I needed to explain to them.

"Essence of… Laplace?" Adrius asked, as he seemed to be fully invested in that talk.

"You guys… are you sure you know who Laplace was even?" I asked, dumbfounded this time. Were these idiots trying to summon the first demon lord just for fun or something?

"We do… our leader knows him… we are doing this for our leader," Albedo shouted as he was slightly irked by my remark.

"Well… let me ask you this, then. Why is your leader trying to revive the demon lord?" I asked as I felt as if I was getting caught in between a bunch of kids who had powers.

They wanted to do something great, but neither had any idea of how to, nor as to why.

"Our leader-" Albedo wanted to speak something, but a presence appeared not too far from us behind Adrius.