[Before the finale!]

"… and that is how it's all going to end, and everyone gets what they want," I smiled as I looked at Rosalyn who was looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.

It wasn't just her, as the other witches had the same expression too, but nobody dared to utter even a single word. Not that they were scared, but more like amazed.

"Any questions?" I asked as I looked at them, but nobody spoke up.

"So… I can assume that you guys will follow the plan?" I asked again just to be sure and slowly they nodded.

"Yeah… we will…" Rosalyn spoke before I smiled and then spoke.

" Since this is done. I will be on my way to see the dark mages now. See you guys later."

And even now, they just kept quiet without uttering a single word, while I moved away from there, while I kept grinning on the inside.

Moving towards the dark mages, I then traveled through the forest towards the area where they, or more specifically, Yemir, were camping.