[Two Groups!]

[Trisha's POV:]



'It's a beautiful day to play with the spirits. Too bad I can't really do anything about this situation,' I sighed on the inside while maintaining a friendly and warm smile on the outside.

Currently, I was sitting with the elves and waiting for Wesker's call.

"It's a little too hot today, isn't it?" One of the elf guards spoke as he wiped his sweat and peered at the scorching sun at the top of our heads.

'Well, it's the middle of the summer so I guess that is to be expected,' I gave it a thought as well, before a figure of a man appeared not too far from us.

"Wesker," Nvida spoke his name, as her eyes narrowed at him.

The mysterious array maker who seemed both weak and strong at the same time. I don't really understand him, to be honest.