[In a world filled with Chaos!]

[Leena's POV!]



"Are you Raven?" I asked as I looked at the girl that Mr. Wesker said that we would find at this time in this place.

"She fits the description." Anna looked at Raven from top to bottom, while Raven, who was alarmed, looked at us with her guard up.

"Who are you people? And how do you know about me?" She asked, alarmed. She already had her knives in both her hands, ready.

'Isn't she a witch? Why carry a melee weapon? And why can't I sense any mana coming from her?' I questioned as I looked at her, a bit confused.

But then again, that was not why we were here.

" The entire city is in chaos. We are here to escort you to Rosalyn." I said what Mr. Wesker had asked us to speak, but that only made her guard up.

" And why should-"

She was about to argue, but something happened. Her eyes widened as she looked behind us, and pure terror took over her face.