[My City!]

[Risa Thompson's POV!]



" Just what the fuck did you do to my town, Wesker? I am gonna kill you as soon as I find you!" I shouted as I slashed another monster in front of me.

Never have I been more glad to know melee combat than I am now. My mind magic is practically useless in this situation.

"Madam! You should escape!" Shouted one of my female guards while she supported me with magic, and I raised my staff and hit on her face, which she took with no retort.

"First! Where do you think I am fucking supposed to run to? To the hell hole out there!!!" I shouted as I killed a monster that was about to kill my guards.

Meanwhile, she stood up, took charge and began fighting again while she supported me, and my other guards cleared the way for us to move.