[Singularity of Fates!]

[Raven's POV:]



"Leena?" Spoke that guy as he looked at the red-haired girl whom I carried with me.

In the illusion that carried me here, I was still standing, doing nothing but observing the scenario. So while it didn't move, I tried to get a better look at the surroundings.


Leena answered as she got out of my lap and looked at that guy, Yemir.

There was hate in Leena's eyes, fury perhaps. But Yemir's eyes were solemn. They looked at Leena as if meeting a loved one after a long time.


A familiar voice came from a distance behind Yemir. And focusing behind him, I saw an old face, which I hadn't seen for quite some time.

"Master Rosalyn-" I shouted with tearful eyes, excitement coursing through, but stopped as I saw my illusion still standing there.

And then I recalled my current predicament. I am no longer a witch but a half witch now…