[World Magic!]

World Magic.

It's something that you can achieve when you reach the true essence of your own magic. When you understand the concepts of magic to the point where magic loves you.

It's something that needs sheer will and a pure connection to your magic with no other thoughts.

Only one in a million people are capable of creating their own World Magic. It is that rare.

Practice can't take you there. You will need talent. But that won't be enough as well. You will need the capability to take your magic as your own. It's hard to put it into words really, but in simple terms…

You need to own your magic and take complete control over it.



[Anna's POV!]



We have seen a lot of things in our lives. Living life as if it were our last every day, hoping to find a place which we could call home someday.

Sister suffered a lot, and I suffered standing along with her. We were each other's salvation.