[Goddess wants to know!]

[Valencia's POV!]



Alepsia and I reached down to the planet in our disguises, wearing a black hoodie. We slowly descended to one of the alleys in the border town.

"Don't you think it would have been better to meet him in the shop where there would be fewer people?" Alepsia asked as she looked at me, a bit confused.

"Can't do it. There are a lot of things that I need answers to, and I don't even know when is the next time he is going to the shop," I answered her with a bit of a hurried expression.

To be fair, I wanted to fight him. I wanted to fight Adam to the best of my ability.

Though that is only one reason I wanted to meet him early. The other was to know what in the heck did he do in the Inverse World, and how did he manage to escape from the clutches of a Hell Guardian.

Even I, the Goddess of War, would not be able to escape a Hell Guardian, let alone fight it. It's practically impossible.