[The Vampire Queen!]

[Milliam's POV:]



"And that is how much I have collected about this place," I explained to Lord Black Shadow about the information that I have picked up over the centuries.

I left a few things about the Vampire Lord's current affairs as Wesker told me to.

It wasn't just because of my clan and the curse, but that Lord Black Shadow was behaving rather suspicious.

"Thank you, young inspector. I really appreciate you quenching my curiosity. I have no more questions left," Lord Black Shadow spoke as he observed me with a kind look.

Honestly, his proud and distant gaze felt more home to me than this friendly gaze. It kinda creeped me out, even scared me to an extent.

"Well. I will take my leave now. Seems like I have a lot of things to do now," he spoke with a refreshing smile as he then vanished from there.