[Beta Player!]

"Heather! You are going to be late for school today!!"

A voice of a middle-aged woman came from the other side of the room, stirring the sleeping girl from her dreamland.

The girl in the bed had a bowl cut that reached to her shoulders. Wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts, she snuggled under the comfort of that bed.



The loud voice of that woman came up again, waking up Heather this time completely, even making her fall down the bed.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Heather groaned in pain as she held her head, while her eyes opened up slightly, turning towards the door where her mom was still shouting for her to wake up.

"I AM UP MOM! STOP SHOUTING!!" Heather shouted back, as she then slowly stood up and walked towards the door drowsily.

"Just why does she have to shout so early in the morning every day?" She mumbled with an irritated voice as she opened the door.