[IF: Divided by Timelines]

Time: When Adam went to Alepsia to learn about Arrays in order to save the Mirag City.

Alepsia usually visited and watched Adam working in the room, immersed in the Array of Light, learning as much as he could. The reason he gave was that he was going to save Mirag town.

Honestly, it was pretty much impossible since Mirag Town was already destroyed, but the man in front of her had signed a contract that he would. An oath.

And that was something Alepsia didn't take lightly. And maybe it was a bluff or something, but Alepsia bet on it. There was little to lose from it.

However, with time, she too started believing that the man in front of him could really do it. He was truly capable of doing it. Alepsia did not know how, but his hard work, his perseverance, his tenacity. It made her believe in him.

And somewhere along the lines, she began developing feelings for this boy who never gave up.