[IF: Loved by fate!]

Time: When Adam saved the Mirag City.



"What do you mean, he survived by a miracle? Didn't I specifically ask you to put your fate weaver in a situation that was inescapable?" The Enchantress shouted angrily as she looked at the Forger, who was rather surprised by the whole event.

"But darling. I specifically put him in such a situation. Even if he does, he can never live for long enough. I don't know how… Please don't be angry. I would surely do something about it!" The Forger, like a love struck fool, tried to reason with the Enchantress.

"I even had to give him my blessing. I hoped I could take some of his essence using the quest once he died… just why do I have to waste my power over such a weakling?" The Enchantress fumed as she looked at Adam talking with the goddesses.