[Monster Waves!]

[Raven's POV!]



-Tung! Tung! Tung!

And the town bell rang as we turned towards the stairs leading up on the town boundary walls. While players with close combat skill were to be prepared for a wall breach, ranged fighters like me had to go up there and fight alongside other archers, etc.

My weapons were throwing knives, and I had already secured a good number of them in the past 2 days. That should last me till the end of a couple of waves, before I switch to close combat again.

Running up to the high wall, I then stood beside one of the archers of the city. I think he was the assigned invigilator for overseeing the adventurer's exam of the players in the guild.

"We got about 3 minutes before they come close," the NPC said as he looked deeper into the forest. I couldn't see, but I held my breath before I prepared myself for the incoming wave.

[Hudson Lvl 62!]