[Array Magic!]

The body of Rheina Ostera fell on the ground before exploding right in front of everyone. The smell of burnt and charred meat emanated a strange odor. The sight wasn't really a pleasant one either.

But even then…

"YEAAH!!!!" cheered in unison all the men and women, as they saw the monster falling on the ground.

He was the last of the monsters in this wave. And given the nature of things, this should be the boss monster of the wave. He was stronger than the rest of them, strong enough to topple most of the city by itself. 


"MORE ARE COMING!!" shouted one of the archers as he looked deep into the forest, with his eyes shaking a little. Not just him, but most of the people could feel the tension rising as they sensed the mana from the forest.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!!" One of the players on the frontline shouted as he looked at the incoming monsters' levels.

[Tigera Drake Lvl 72!]

[Merth Worm Lvl 78!]