[Fate Weaver of Time!]

Do you know what it means to be a Fate Weaver?

Beings who can influence fate? Nope. Incorrect. Nada.

By weave is to create with what's present. To pick up the threads of fate. To create something that wasn't present before. 

Weaving is an art. 

Creation is an art.

Shaping destiny into what one desires. To change what they like or don't. Their mere existence is enough to change what is going on.

Those are the powers bestowed on the fate weavers.

A fate weaver can bring a ruined kingdom to its peak. Or drag down the heavens through the muds of Zarraf.

Wiregia Luciana.

The 2nd Fate Weaver.

The fate weaver, blessed with time.

She is one of the prime examples of why one must think before going against a fate weaver. 

"To destroy or to protect, was it?" She mumbled as she looked at those higher gods surrounding her. Preparing for another war that they knew they couldn't win.