[Past matters!]

Back then when I heard the story? Damn. I felt chills down my spine, enough to make me wonder if all the hard work that I am doing is going to end up turning to dust someday? But then as time passed, I calmed my nerves and told myself that what is going to happen in the future, we will face it in the future.

But still…

'69% sure both Luciana and that guy are fate weavers or higher,' I understood back then, but Vladmir mentioning that to me confirmed it. In fact, knowing about Luciana from the story, I think I can more or less figure out a way to keep her under the tabs in case I meet her.

The real problem was that other guy. 

'Well. Let's hope we can tackle that with time too,' I sighed as I recalled what happened to the other gods after that.

Accordingly, Queina and the other gods didn't get all their powers back. They more or less lost 90% of their powers, and were quite in shambles back then.