[Another Legendary Quest!]

[Adam's POV!]

[New Quest: Center of the Storm!]

[Quest: Center of the Storm!

Grade: Legendary!

Difficulty: ????

Description: No better chance to show off your powers than in a stage filled with the strongest beings on the planet, right? Gods, Demons, Fate Weavers, you name it! All beings of the highest virtue will be there, bearing witness for whatever is to come to them. Use this chance to show the world that you exist. Show them you aren't a gale but a fierce storm that one can't take lightly, no matter what.

Time Limit: 30 Days

Objectives: Make yourself officially known to the world!

Rewards: Will be calculated based on the impact that is created!

Penalty: Imprisonment for 10,000 years in the Darkest Parts of Hell!

Remarks: Half of the Primordials are looking forward to this!]