[System Stats!]

"Which Mermaid Queen? The current one… or the previous one?"

"??" Alepsia turned to me, a bit confused. I observed her face for a few moments before asking again," the current one… or the previous one?"

And looking at me, she then opened her mouth to speak something, but then paused in between. Her eyes seemed to recall something before a question filled expression appeared on her face.

A few seconds of silence, before she finally muttered,

"I… don't know. They only mentioned that the angel was in contact with the queen of mermaids."

My question intrigued her as she kept observing me, waiting for me to speak something. Perhaps she and every other being searching for that angel didn't consider the former queen. Not that I blame them.

"Hmmm. Seems like I understand what I need to do now," I stretched before standing up. Both Queina and Alepsia looked at me with an ambiguous look before I smiled and spoke.