[On par with the Higher Gods?!]

[Harik's POV]


I sighed in relief as I could finally take out that monstrous bastard. Just what the heck was he?

'Now. To deal with that bitch who fooled me,' I thought as I looked at the blue-skinned girl standing in front of me. She was strong, I must say that… but that was only after she fed me with that strange liquid and I lost control over my body.

But before I could even take a step, I felt the presence of someone who I was damn sure that he was dead. 

"That itched a little," I heard the nonchalant voice of that guy, that monster, as he walked out of the smoke. His body not having even a single scratch, he stood there with a furiously joyous smile as he looked at me.


Words failed to come out of my mouth. That attack contained about 10% of my life force. It was enough to kill any god below the 12 Higher Gods. 

Are you telling me that this guy… is on par with the Higher Gods?