[Crazier and Crazier!]

[Neptune (Adam)'s POV]




Both Iris and Harik observed me with a shocked expression as they consumed what I just told them. 

A silence ensued, as they just kept gawking at me while I stood there nonchalantly. 

I didn't tell him everything. But enough to get a basic grasp of everything that is going on. Especially why his wife was now such an impactful centerpiece in all this.

"So… it was… no wait!… Are you telling me a monster that can kill many gods at once, wiping 90% of the demons is going to appear in this town?" Iris was the one to break the silence as she carried that stupefied expression that had fear slowly seeping in.

"That and possibly a guy who is even more powerful than her," I reminded her, in case she forgot about it.