Chapter 284: The Disaster of Fang Dragons

"Boom!" Just as a few golden-level priests and a soul-level red-robed Archbishop were speaking, a teleportation pillar emitting terrifying energy fluctuations broke through space and landed on the teleportation array before them. The violent shockwave swept across the spacious hall, causing the pristine robes of the priests to flutter wildly.

In the stunned eyes of these priests, their teleportation array exploded, and a deep layer was sheared off the marble floor, which was reinforced with divine array enchantments.

Soon, the dust settled, and as Muria and his non-human entourage revealed themselves, the golden-level priests exclaimed, followed by a murderous intent: "Evil dragons are attacking!"

Subsequently, these individuals did not hesitate to launch divine magic attacks at Muria and his group!

"Do not attack them." As the divine magic was headed their way, Muria, standing behind, commanded after all the attacks were blocked by Fiona, who stepped forward.

If Muria hadn't spoken up, Fiona was ready to strike back. Known for her ferocity and cruelty, the green dragon wouldn't have tolerated being suddenly attacked by a group of humans.

"Your Highness, these humans…"

"It's not their fault. It seems like the church that teleported us here didn't communicate clearly with this side." Muria glanced behind him, where twelve chromatic dragons, each nearly twenty meters long and covered in scales, sat on the ground, baring their teeth and growling, ready to breathe dragon fire upon being attacked by humans.

Ordinary humans, upon seeing a group of evil dragons suddenly appear before them, would either attack or flee, communication wasn't considered a third option. The main reason Muria and his non-human entourage were suddenly attacked was these twelve creatures incapable of transformation magic.

"Cease your attacks!" Seeing the group accompanied by twelve chromatic dragons effortlessly block their attacks, yet not retaliate, the leading red-robed Archbishop finally realized his mistake and signaled to stop.

Hearing the Archbishop's command, the already doubting priests ceased their attacks, while outside the room, temple guards in heavy armor rushed in, having heard the cry of "Evil dragons are attacking!" and came to provide support.

"Which one of you is the supporting gold dragon, Muria?" Archbishop Sukada, somewhat panic-stricken, looked at the green-haired lady standing in front of a young man with black hair and golden eyes, and next to them, a red-haired muscular man smiling menacingly.

At this moment, he understood what the church from Ionia meant by suggesting he prepare mentally in advance.

"I am Muria." Muria patted Fiona, who stepped aside, and looked up at the defensively poised clergy, his golden eyes slowly shifting to vertical pupils, spreading an oppressive dragon might.

Feeling this pressure, Archbishop Sukada breathed a sigh of relief at the scent of a gold dragon, but still warily eyed the "people" and dragons, and a cat, beside Muria: "Who are they?"

"My followers and subordinates." Muria explained simply, seeing no need to go into details about Troy and the others.

"They are all chromatic dragons?"


The priests' expressions became very interesting, the support was beyond their imagination.

"These guys from Ionia really can't be relied on." Hearing Muria's words, Sukada couldn't help but curse inwardly, wondering how they could think of sending a group of chromatic dragons for support.

Although internally criticizing the church from Ionia, Sukada maintained a smile without a hint of dissatisfaction: "Lord Muria, we are truly sorry. The church from Ionia did not clarify the situation to us, so we attacked in panic."

"I understand." Muria looked at the guards surrounding them, tense and ready for combat, nodding slightly with a thoughtful expression.

These guards wore heavy armor and wielded heavy weapons like halberds and spears. Their demeanor was sharp, and they carried the heavy scent of blood, unlike the ceremonial guards of Ionia. They were true warriors who had faced life and death.

The Osniro subcontinent seemed more chaotic than the Ionia subcontinent, judging from the equipment of these temple guards and the priests' reactions.

As Muria was pondering this, a loud booming noise and the roar of monsters approached. A golden-level warrior in blood-stained black armor rushed in, shouting:

"Those evil dragons are attacking the city with a horde of monsters again, what are you people of the temple doing, hurry to the city walls. Archbishop Sukada, when will the support promised by your temple…"

The warrior's urgent words halted in his throat as he saw Muria and the non-human beings, especially the twelve highly conspicuous chromatic dragons behind.

Before his mind could react, his body instinctively acted, drawing his sword and slashing a blade of light towards Muria and his group.

"How dare you, human!" Just as Fiona was about to act, Otres, the red dragon who hadn't had a chance to show off, was delighted, roared angrily, and with a palm strike, a nearly solidified red dragon claw materialized, shattered the blade of light, and struck the warrior.

The piercing sound of bones breaking echoed as the warrior, without any chance to resist, was sent flying by Otres's palm strike. His arms broke, his chest caved in, blood spurted, and his body flew backward, crashing into a pillar.

Seeing this, the temple guards surrounding Muria and the non-humans stepped forward, pointing their weapons at them, instantly tensing the atmosphere.

"Put down your weapons, what are you doing? They are our reinforcements." Archbishop Sukada, sweat dripping from his forehead, noticed the smile fading from Muria's face.

Their consecutive attacks seemed to have angered the gold dragon. It was an affront in any case, and it was fortunate it was a gold dragon; had it been another dragon type, they would have raged upon being attacked by humans.

For instance, aside from Muria, who managed to keep a neutral expression and remain somewhat calm, including Troy, all the dragons showed anger. Chromatic dragons were never known for their good temper, even those raised by Muria.

"Lord Gold Dragon, please forgive our rudeness. We acted this way because the city under my feet is being besieged by a group of evil dragons. That's why we reacted so upon seeing your subordinates."

"What kind of dragons are attacking your city?" Muria asked, frowning at the noise outside.

"Fang Dragons!"


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