Chapter 285: Pale Blood Devourer

"Fang Dragons?" Muria raised an eyebrow, having thought the city was besieged by chromatic dragons, only to find out it was actually Fang Dragons.

Although Fang Dragons are dragons, they belong to a wind subtype and are not considered true dragons. At the same age, they are even weaker than the disgrace of the dragon race, the White Dragon, and thus are categorized as lesser dragons.

"These kinds of dragons are attacking you, and you need assistance?" Fiona showed a hint of surprise on her face. To her, such lesser dragons wouldn't even merit a second glance.

"Ordinary Fang Dragons, of course, we can handle directly," the red-robed Archbishop Sukada explained with a bitter smile, seeing the contempt and disdain on the faces of the polymorphed chromatic dragons beside Muria.

"The Fang Dragons attacking you, what makes them special?" Muria asked, frowning. He knew that he wasn't the first to come to their aid, and those before him had either died in battle or were severely injured, none ending well.

"The Fang Dragons attacking us are under the command of a mutant Fang Dragon," Sukada answered with a hint of fear, "We now call it the Pale Blood Devourer."

"Pale Blood Devourer, a mutant Fang Dragon!" Muria narrowed his eyes, showing a bit of interest. Mutant dragons refer to those whose thoughts, behaviors, or forms of life differ from their kin.

For example, the study-enthusiast White Dragon, Clodia, is a typical mutant dragon whose interests diverge from regular White Dragons as she enjoys learning, which is not a typical interest for dragons. But this interest undeniably brings her achievements far beyond her kin.

Another category includes dragons with life forms different from normal dragons, which are the easiest to identify. Muria once read about a mutant Black Dragon in a book, which possessed a physique and strength comparable to Red Dragons, its growth far exceeding that of normal Black Dragons, resembling a Red Dragon with black scales.

Most mutant dragons, due to their unusual thoughts and appearances, possess strength far beyond their age group and display various inconceivable abilities, with hardly any being weak.

"So, you sought assistance from the Dawn Church in Ionia because of this one mutant Fang Dragon?" Muria inquired curiously.

"Lord Gold Dragon, it's no longer just about that one mutant White Dragon," Archbishop Sukada sighed, "It has fully grown now, forcibly subjugating many of its kind and mutating them with its blood."

"So, what I have to deal with isn't just one mutant Fang Dragon, but a group, correct?"

"Your Highness, if you could just repel the Fang Dragons currently attacking our city, that would suffice. How to deal with the mutant dragon Pale Blood Devourer, we can discuss further plans."

Muria's mouth twitched, clearly, the red-robed Archbishop didn't have much faith in him dealing with the mutant Fang Dragon, "No matter how special, it's just a mutant Fang Dragon after all."

"Lord Gold Dragon, please do not underestimate it. It's even more terrifying than many chromatic dragons!"

"Humans are truly a fearful and cowardly bunch, to be frightened by a Fang Dragon to this extent." Fiona couldn't help but mockingly say upon seeing the humans' fearful demeanor, "Is that mutant dragon legendary or something?"

"Not yet legendary, but at the rate it's killing, it won't be long before it becomes one," Archbishop Sukada replied, unable to hide the fear in his eyes.

"Not long?" Muria frowned. The progression of dragons is known to be slow, as most do not actively cultivate but rather sleep through the ages to accumulate power.

Even with active meditation and cultivation, progress wouldn't be fast compared to humans, as each level up requires exponentially more effort due to the differences in life levels.

But according to the Archbishop, this mutant Fang Dragon's rate of power increase seems unusually rapid.

"Indeed, when we first discovered it five years ago, it only had the strength of a third-tier Gold level," Archbishop Sukada said with a hint of regret, "If we had managed to eliminate it then, perhaps millions of humans wouldn't have had to die."

"Five years?" Muria raised an eyebrow, "You mean, this mutant Fang Dragon advanced from Gold level to the peak of Spirit Intent in just five years?"

"More precisely, from third-tier Gold to the peak of Spirit Intent."

"How could a dragon ascend to the peak of Spirit Intent in five years?" Red Dragon Othrales stared skeptically at the Archbishop, thinking the human was lying.

"At first, we couldn't believe it either, but that's the reality," Sukada said with regret.

"Nothing's impossible." Muria, although surprised, remained relatively calm. There are many methods to rapidly increase power.

For example, the simplest and least side-effect method is the blessing of epics and deities, sacrificing certain future potential to greatly elevate power level in a short period. This method requires the recipient to have the potential to ascend to legend.

"There are many other ways to quickly increase power, though most have some side effects. Some can be ignored, while others can have serious consequences."

"Five years ago, you knew of this mutant dragon's existence but failed to kill it in time, allowing it to grow beyond your control," Muria said calmly, listening to the chaos outside, "Over such a long time, you must have figured out why it ascended so rapidly."

"It's because of a demonic bloodline!" Archbishop Sukada's face turned pale, "Somehow, it acquired a high-tier demon's blood, merging with it to gain a demon's soul-devouring talent.

Since then, the Pale Blood Devourer began slaughtering and devouring souls en masse, killing everything in sight. After ascending to Spirit Intent, it became even more rampant, attacking human cities, massacring entire cities upon breaking through.

So far, it has conquered over twenty cities, with more than three million humans dead, their souls devoured by the dragon to increase its power."

"Three million people... The Pale Blood Devourer is not just a mutant dragon, but a fallen abyssal dragon." Hearing about the deeds of the mutant dragon, Muria's face darkened, a chilling murderous intent spreading, as he harbored a killing intent towards the mutant dragon.


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