
William slid his cloak off his shoulders and pushed his wet hair back from his face, as he stepped out of the steady rain and through a timber doorway. He felt soaked through from the ride to the brothel Tom had recommended. Tom lead them through the main entry and down a poorly lit corridor to the tavern, where all visitors gathered to drink. 

The tavern itself was crowded but as soon as they stepped through the doors, William noticed the razor sharp gaze of the older woman standing next to the bar, appraising them. She quickly took in their fine clothing, damp as it was and stepped forward with a bow, always glad to have a group of noblemen as customers.

"What can I offer you fine gentlemen?" 

All it took was Richard waving a silver coin to the woman, for the group of men to be quickly ushered to a clean table at the quieter end of the room. A young maid quickly scurried forward to take their wet cloaks.