Let This Be a Lesson

William walked behind Helen, ignoring the catcalls from a few women who leaned out from doorways and shamelessly ran their eyes over him. One of the women even tried to paw him. William shook her touch off with disgust. 

He'd never at all minded being admired and openly praised for his looks, even by women he had no interest in. He liked knowing he could dally with any woman he chose.

Now however, their blatant attention made him feel revulsion. His mind was still grappling with this change in his thought process when Helen suddenly paused outside a closed door. Swinging it open, she murmured, "This way please, my lord."

William stepped past her into a small, dimly lit room which appeared at least reasonably clean. 

Helen quietly closed the door behind her, then sat on the bed and looked at him. Her dark eyes gleamed with curiosity.

For a few moments, the two just looked at each other in silence, him leaning against the wall and her on the bed.