A Ring Means Something

Camilla's jaw dropped and she stared at the king as if he was speaking a foreign language. Her head was swimming in confusion but she forced herself to focus. Fainting at the king's feet wasn't going to make things any easier for her.

"William told me you have promised yourself to him." King Edward continued to rage. "What gives you the right to make such a decision without my approval? Without your own king's approval even?"

"But I didn't...I never thought..." Camilla tried but failed not to stammer. The king's words were so wildly unexpected that she didn't even know where to start. "I didn't say-"

"Don't waste my time, girl!" The king had obviously reached the limit of his patience, half rising from his seat as if he were about to pounce on her and tear her limb from limb. "You stand there with his betrothal ring on your finger and dare tell me there's nothing between you? You think you can lie to me?"