Nothing Left To Fear

Camilla tried to keep her voice from quivering. "What do you mean, disappeared?"

"Exactly that." stated the maid. "The servants found the Bentworth apartments empty this morning. The young lord seems to have left the castle in the middle of the night without telling anyone. Not his servants or his pages, not even his own mother who's visiting the court! All he left behind is a note that mentioned he was retiring to one of his countryside manors for the next few months to take care of personal affairs."

Camilla stood frozen in place. She couldn't believe William's threats had been successful. 

She could finally leave her rooms without fear. Her legs went weak with relief and she hastily grabbed the back of an armchair for support. 

Standing next to her, Katerine gave her a puzzled look. "Are you sure you're alright, my lady? You still look a little pale. Perhaps you should lie down again?"