Sins of The Father

"What kind of a question is that?" Camilla flinched against him.

"If something happened between them, it's best that I know."

"My mother always hated my uncle." her tone was defensive.

"And yet, I suspect he didn't feel the same way about her." William replied. "When he first saw you when he arrived here, he clearly thought you were your mother for a moment. The look on his face was…well, like nothing else I've ever seen from him."

Camilla remained quiet.

"I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable or shame your late mother. I'm simply trying to understand what's in your uncle's head so that I can best argue my case against him. And if he has weak spots, I will exploit them."

Camilla burrowed her face in his chest in a way he found pleasant, if a little ticklish, as the words started to haltingly pour from her lips.