Keep Your Enemies Closer

Neither of them slept much that night, just dozed in each other's arms between whispered conversations. William felt like he couldn't pull her close enough to him and suspected Camilla felt the same by the way she clung to his waist.

A little before dawn, they both heard a gentle tapping at the bedchamber door. It was Casimir, signaling it was time for Camilla to return to her own rooms.

With a quick kiss, William sent her off in silence and then fell back on his bed, his eyes heavy from lack of sleep. He could smell her scent on the pillow and marveled that for the first time in his life, he had spent the night with a woman in his arms and hadn't taken her.

"Perhaps I have changed after all." he muttered to himself.

Quickly washing and dressing himself, William slipped out of his rooms as he saw Casimir heading his way as if to deliver a message.

"Your Grace, His Majesty the King of Moraigth says-" the page began.