Violet: The Perks of Being Number Two

She looked up at Prince Johan, genuinely curious about the man. It could've been him sitting on the throne and wearing the crown, but for a simple accident of birth. Instead, the chance had slipped through his fingers.

And every son that King Edward had, placed him further and further away from the throne. In that sense, being a second son must be even worse than being a second daughter, Violet mused.

Surely he must resent the twist of fate that had made him emerge second from his mother's belly? Surely he must be grieved about all he could've had, but didn't?

But there was no bitterness that she could see in the prince's eyes. In fact, he looked merry. Drunk, but merry.

"Ask me the question I can see that's on your mind, Lady Violet. Go on." Johan said with a cunning smile.

Aren't you jealous of your brother when he has so much more than you, her mind screamed? Doesn't the jealousy eat you up inside?