Violet: Set an Example

Violet looked over to the ladies' table but Ilse was no longer there. She was probably off dancing again, given how the men had queued for her attention all evening.

With an impatient roll of her eyes, Violet stalked towards the cluster of dancers, looking for her sister in the sea of green fabric. After elbowing past couples politely and not so politely, she finally found Ilse, dancing in the arms of a tall man clad in emerald silk.

Prince Leo.

Violet felt her sudden anger like a blow to the chest. Every word that Prince Johan had said to her about finding her own path forward and not comparing herself to the rest, scattered like butterflies from her mind. That advice was all forgotten the moment she saw her twin dancing with the most eligible man in the entire kingdom.

"Dammit, Ilse." Violet breathed out, then marched forward to break up their happy little interlude.