Violet: Resistance is Futile

"Does Johan have to go alone?" Violet asked after a while. "Is there no way you can go with him as well and be part of the negotiations?"

Her husband threw her a disbelieving look. "How exactly would that work, wife? You know very well it wouldn't."

Even she had to admit it was impossible. The possibility of uncle and nephew coming to blows on the journey to Moraigth was despressingly high. Both men would be determined to lead. Hell, they'd likely be at each other's throats before they'd even travelled together for a day.

"Besides," Leo grumbled. "Johan said he plans to take his own son along to the north."

"Why? What good will taking a child do?"

"Who knows? Father didn't seem opposed to it though." he sighed. "He even said it would be good for Will to gain some exposure to treating with foreign courts. The silly lad won't do anything, of course. He'll only be expected to follow Johan in silence like a lapdog."