Violet: A Force of Nature

23 July, 1353. Magdaline Castle, Islia.

The messenger ran into the crowded banquet hall, weaving though dancing, smiling courtiers in his mud splattered clothes. When he reached King Edward at the high table, he flung himself to the floor, panting for breath.

"Begging your pardon, Your Majesty, for disturbing your dinner." the man wheezed anxiously. "I was asked to deliver this message with the most urgent haste, from our delegation of lords in the north."

The king took the parchment in the messenger's hand with a smile, clearly expecting news from his brother. His smile was replaced by a confused frown when he turned the parchment open and saw the wax seal holding it closed.

"Whose seal is that?" Violet heard the queen ask.

"Lord Enseley's." King Edward replied, opening the message and starting to read.