If I can't have it, then I won't let others have it either (2)

While Xia Lihua was engrossed in the call with grandpa, Su Wanwan had gone ahead and paid the bill.

With a triumphant smile Su wanwan said, "Even if your grandfather phones old master Yang to save the dress for you I have already paid for it, it's sold out. You are too late."

The woman behind the cash counter could only bow her head down, helplessly. When Lihua was not paying attention she had been adamantly pushed to swipe the card by Su Wanwan and Qian Li also insisted she do so.

Lihua glanced at the cashier who was sweating profusely with disdain, but she didn't scold her. It wasn't the poor woman's fault. She unmuted the call and asked, "Grandpa are you still there?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Forget about the dress, I don't want it anymore, but there is something else..."

"What is it?" Grandpa Xia was confused, he knew his granddaughter very well. Lihua wasn't fickle minded, if she liked a dress then she wouldn't change her mind so soon. There must be something wrong!

"There is a shop assistant here named Qian Li...and she is totally incompetent. She shouldn't be working at Yang family's store. Please talk to grandpa Yang about it." Xia Lihua might not have been close with the Yang family but old master Yang really liked her a lot, just like a real granddaughter.

Grandpa Xia chuckled and said, "Alright I'll talk to that old man."

When Qian Li heard Xia Lihua's straightforward complaint her voice became unusually shrill, "Miss Xia you cannot do that!"

The person on the call could faintly here her screams and felt strange. "Xiao Hua, did you get bullied there?"

"No grandpa, that's not it! I'll talk with you later...I need to choose another dress." Saying that Xia Lihua hung up the call and put the smartphone back in her purse. The dress was still in Lihua's possession and she looked at it blankly, then pulled it forcefully.


Su Wanwan watched in horror as the beads adorning the gown came off. The fabric was of good quality and it was hard to tear it apart but Lihua tugged it so hard that the decorations and ribbons fell off. The outfit was almost unusable.

"Xia Lihua! Why did you tear the dress!"

Lihua threw the dress on the ground and replied to her in a deliberate manner, "If I can't have it, then I won't let others have it either. Good thing that you paid for it, my money wasn't wasted."

"You!" Su Wanwan was endlessly stupefied. The dress was damaged and it was of no use. The money was wasted and it costed 5 million yuan!

What an outrageous loss! Mengrui would be furious if she found out.

"I don't think there are other dresses in the store that suits my taste, so I'll leave. Excuse me." Xia Lihua took out Prada sunglasses from her purse and put it on. Before leaving the shop, she gave Su Wanwan a cool provocative smile.

Su wanwan couldn't stop herself from biting her nails frantically. 'This isn't the end! I'll pay you back ten times, Xia Lihua!'

Qian Li was trembling nonstop when she received a phone call.

"What did you do? Did you offend someone? Who did you offend this time! Boss has fired you and blacklisted you, now no one will hire you anymore. Couldn't you have been a bit more responsible? I got in trouble with the boss because of you idiot! Now scram and don't show your face in the city anymore."

Beep, beep, beep.

The store manager cut the call without hearing Qianli's explanation.

"Manager, please let me explain! Sir...please, I need this job! Miss Su please help me." Qian Li's knees hit the ground as she cried, tears uncontrollably flowing out of her eyes.

"I have my own problems to deal with. I cannot be bothered. How can I even help you when you have been blacklisted in the city." Su Wanwan glanced at the girl who was hugging her feet. She kicked her hand away and proceeded to walk out angrily.

"Miss Su, how can you do this! I was on your side." Qian Li was flabbergasted...she was fired just like that? Everyone looked at her crying, pitiful state and released a heavy sigh. Thank god they hadn't provoked young miss Xia in any way, she was ruthless and terrifying!