Don't have feelings for him

On the following Sunday, Xia Lihua made the decision to visit Grandpa Yang. Even her grandpa Xia had urged her repeatedly to meet that old man. The sunlit day painted a picturesque scene, with blue skies stretching as far as the eye could see and a gentle breeze whispering through the air. Ding Feng arrived in his red Porsche 911 GT3 to pick her up.

Xia Lihua sat regally in the car, bathed in the brilliance of the sun as the warm beams of sunlight danced across the landscape. Its luminosity caressed her features, casting a radiant glow upon her, accentuating her natural beauty. Ding Feng was meticulously dressed and he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement .

The car ride was awkward because Xia Lihua didn't know any suitable topic to strike up a conversation with Ding Fing. It had been a while since she last saw him, so she felt a bit flustered, but Ding Feng didn't seem to mind. He played loud music in the car while speeding down the street in his sports car.

Ding Feng: Cause I can see the sun light up the sky, So I hit the road in overdrive, baby, oh~

Lihua: ...??

Ding Feng: Oh, I'm blinded by the lights~


Ding Feng dropped Xia Lihua off near the mansion gate and proceeded to park the car outside. This was due to a strict rule that prohibited non-family members from parking their vehicles within the mansion premises to minimize the risk of potential assassination attempts, ensuring the safety and security of the Yang family.

Mrs Yang was watering the flowers in the front garden. When she heard the familiar sound of a car approaching. Assuming it to be her son's close friend, she walked over to greet Ding Feng, only to be taken aback when she discovered a girl standing there instead. Surprised and puzzled, she exclaimed, "Xia Lihua? What are you doing here?-"

Xia Lihua internally smiled, but she had a sincere expression on her face as she respectfully bowed to the woman. "Aunty Yang, it has been a while since we last saw each other."

"Guards! What are those idiots doing? How can they let anyone pass through the gates of Yang family household? Quickly leave girl or else I will call the security!"

Heh. it seems the drama has begun sooner than anticipated. Who would have thought that my first encounter upon entering the Yang family household would be with Lin Cuiping?

"Aunty Yang", Xia Lihua smiled gently. "You don't have to be so rude. I actually came here with brother Feng."

"What?" Lin Cuiping was bit alarmed and frustrated. Since when this sly fox was close with Ding Feng?

"I wanted to meet grandpa Yang, so Ding Feng kindly offered to give me a ride."

Upon hearing Xia Lihua mention Old Master Yang, Lin Cuiping's anger intensified. She despised how the old man doted this unruly girl over her son's current fiancée, Xia Mengrui.

Lin Cuiping maintained a straight face as she boldly lied, claiming, "My father-in-law is currently not at home, so it would be best for you to leave."

Xia Lihua pouted, aware that the woman was lying. "Nevertheless, my grandpa insisted that I come here to extend my greetings to Old Master Yang, regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, I will wait patiently until he returns."

The contempt in Lin Cuiping's voice remained evident as she spoke scornfully, treating Xia Lihua as if she was an irritating sticky pollen stuck to her hand. "Why are you so insistent on staying? I already told you that the old man isn't here. He won't return until later in the evening.", she said dismissively.

This girl had cheated on her dearest son and slept with a man when she wasn't even of legal age! How scandalous! Lin Cuiping was determined to not let a uncouth girl like Xia Lihua to set foot on the grounds of the Yang family household and potentially tarnish their reputation. She felt compelled to make Xia Lihua leave at all costs.

Xia Lihua even promised to her that she would never show her face to her son again, but why she was here again? The fact that she had returned indicated that she had not given up on pursuing Yang Lingyun! As a responsible mother how could she let this happen?

"I have not come here to pursue your son. I don't have feelings for him, so rest assured." Xia Lihua said, catching Lin Cuiping off guard. She hadn't expected Lihua to see through her thoughts.

"How am I supposed to believe that?! You were relentlessly chasing after my son. You even lingered around my eldest son, Xiao Lingbing, like an annoying fly!", Lin Cuiping expressed her skepticism. "He was deeply shocked when he heard about your betrayal of Lingyun. He met a miserable end after you went abroad and he likely carried regret for ever being friends with you, even in his final moments."

Xia Lihua's eyes became really cold like two winter ponds. "The only thing Bing gege probably regretted was having a mother like you."

"What did you just say?!"

"Are you deaf? Do I need to repeat myself?"

"The audacity of this bit-"

"Aunty Yang, you're being too loud. Even the servants can hear you. You should tone it down," Xia Lihua advised. "They might perceive you as an uncultured woman."

Xia Lihua was well aware of how Lin cuiping treated Yang Lingbing after his accident. During social events and gatherings, Lin Cuiping would make derogatory remarks such as "he has brain problems" or "his brain development is lacking," intentionally isolating him from social interactions. She would judge him for his disability, displaying behavior far from that of a nurturing mother. Additionally, due to his disability, she forced him to step down from his position as the heir of the Yang corporation, a decision that left Yang Lingbing deeply saddened and heartbroken. Yang Lingbing confided in Xia Lihua, sharing all of these painful experiences with her.

Ding Feng who who had just entered the garden, observed the commotion between Xia Lihua and Lin Cuiping. Noticing the tension, he furrowed his brow and approached them, questioning, "Aunt Yang, what's going on here?"

Lin Cuiping had a guilty look on her face as she internally panicked after being directly questioned by Ding Feng. "I simply asked Xiao Lihua to hurry back to Xia household because old master is not at home, but still she insisted to stay."

"I actually called Old Master Yang early this morning and informed him that I would be bringing little Li over," Ding Feng interjected. "He was genuinely excited to meet this kid. So, what do you mean by saying he is not at home?"


Xia Lihua's expression twisted into one of disgust as she said, "Brother Feng, don't you realize that Aunty is lying."

Lin Cuiping, overwhelmed by anger and feeling attacked, could no longer contain her emotions. In a moment of heated frustration, she raised her hand with the intention of slapping Xia Lihua in a fit of rage. "You uncouth girl!"