Don't have feelings for him (2)

Lin Cuiping, overwhelmed by anger and feeling attacked, could no longer contain her emotions. In a moment of heated frustration, she raised her hand with the intention of slapping Xia Lihua in a fit of rage. "You uncouth girl!"

Instinctively, Xia Lihua took a step back and attempted to block Aunty Yang's strike, but in her haste, she accidentally touched Aunty Yang's hair.

Aunty Yang's wig came off with a sudden yank, revealing her natural hair underneath. "Ahhh!"

Xia Lihua was stunned; this was simply hilarious.

Ding Feng picked it up with both hands and offered it back to Lin Cuiping. "Aunt Yang, please calm down."

However Lin Cuiping was already fuming with rage, and Ding Feng's words only seemed to fuel her anger. "How can I calm down!"

"What's this commotion going on?"

As soon as the elder approached them, Ding Feng immediately showed respect by bowing down to greet him. "Old master Yang, greetings."

"Dad!" Lin Cuiping, flustered and caught off guard, tried to hide the wig behind her back. Her lies about Old Master Yang not being home had been exposed in front of everyone.

"Aunty Yang, I'm really sorry for what happened," Xia Lihua pointed at the wig in Lin Cuiping's hand and apologized sincerely, her voice filled with remorse. "It was an accident, and I never meant to cause any harm."

Lin Cuiping: '...'

Lin Cuiping: 'This bitch!'

Lin Cuiping knew Xia Lihua was acting and her words were not sincere. Her performance was really outstanding; she should have won the film empress award.

Old Master Yang glanced at Lin Cuiping with a hint of disdain in his eyes. He was unimpressed with her attempt to deceive and cover up her actions. "Wear that quickly," he said sternly, referring to the wig she had dropped.

Thank God, Xiao Lingyun had inherited all the good looks and qualities from him, sparing him from the embarrassment of having a bald grandson. Lin Cuiping's behavior only reinforced his disapproval of her, seeing her as lacking regal grace and behaving improperly.

Embarrassed and frustrated, Lin Cuiping quickly fixed her hair and bit her tongue to restrain herself from saying anything further.

"I'll go look for Brother Lingyun. You can talk to little Li," Ding Feng said.

Old Master Yang gave him a nod of affirmation. "En, go!"

Once Ding Feng had left, Xia Lihua felt it was time to speak up. "Aunty Yang was saying that you weren't at home. She even asked me to go back to Xia residence," she revealed, her tone straightforward.

Lin Cuiping's expression turned from flustered to horrified as her lies were exposed. "What?!" she exclaimed, trying to come up with a quick explanation.

"Father-in-law, it's not like that!" Lin Cuiping desperately tried to save face, turning to Old Master Yang. "You said you were feeling sick and didn't want to see any outsiders. I was just worrying about you," she defended herself.

However, Old Master Yang's expression remained unchanged. He saw through her attempts to manipulate the situation and was not swayed. He had a keen eye for his daughter-in-law's true intentions and was well aware of her cunning ways.

The stern voice of Old Master Yang cut through the air. "I am sick? Why don't I know that? Since when Xiao Li is an outsider? She is like my real grand daughter!"

"You were having a headache, so it's better for you to not meet people now. I was just thinking about you," Lin Cuiping's nerves were on edge and she trembled violently feeling the weight of Old Master Yang's stern gaze. She could only curse Xia Lihua in her heart.

"I understand your concern for Old Master Yang's well-being, but you should be honest." Xia Lihua repeated softly; her eyes dropped low, feigning sadness as if she had been hurt by Lin Cuiping's actions.

'Is this little bitch trying to lecture me?!' Lin Cuiping was feeling so angry and frustrated that she wanted to rip Xia Lihua's hair from her scalp.

Observing Lin Cuiping's seething anger, Xia Lihua considered exacerbating her stress by pointing out, "You even attempted to slap me."

Grandpa Yang's fury boiled over, and he yelled loudly, "Why did you attempt to hit Xiao Li? How are you able to be so brutal, unprincipled and ignoble?

Lin Cuiping's expression shifted from anger to pure horror as she experienced a whirlwind of emotions in the past few minutes, making her feel as though she might faint or suffer a heart attack at any moment.